20th Anniversary celebration
In February of 2022, Simula celebrated its first 20 years as an independent research institution.
2022 - Simula reorganises its educational activities: Simula Academy opens, and SSRI rebrands to Simula Learning.
2021 - Simula@BI officially opens, and is a collaboration between Simula and BI Norwegian Business School. Simula headquarters moves to its new location in
downtown Oslo.
2020 - Simula Consulting is established to provide deep-tech R&D services to customers. Simula develops the Smittestopp app for digital contact tracing of Covid-19. Simula and Inria sign a memorandum of understanding.
2019 - Simula joins ERCIM, the European Research Consortium for Informatics
and Mathematics. Kalkulo is sold to Bluware.
2018 - SimulaMet opens, and is jointly owned by Simula and Oslo Metropolitan University. Simula is a founding member of NORA, the Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium. Simula announces the Baby Bonus, which
promotes a family-friendly environment for all employees.
2017 - Simula surpasses 100 PhD students that have defended and were supervised by Simula researchers. Simula’s research areas are all given a score of “excellent”
in the in-depth scientific evaluation by the Research Council of Norway.
2016 - Simula UiB opens, and is jointly owned by Simula and the University of Bergen. The 1st volume of the open access series Simula SpringerBriefs on Computing is published.
2015 - SUURPh (Simula-UiO-UCSD Research and PhD training program) is established, and is funded directly by the Ministry of Education and Research.
2014 - As a kickstart of Horizon 2020, Simula gets a record turnout of EU projects within the LEIT-ICT.
2013 - Simula Garage opens its doors for IT-oriented entrepreneurs. Simula is awarded the Gender Equality Award by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and
Research. CRNA becomes a permanent research centre, funded indefinitely by the
Ministry of Transport.
2012 - In the national evaluation of research in ICT, Simula ranks 1st in all of Norway with respect to average scores.
2011 - Simula is awarded the Certus Centre for Research-based Innovation. CRNA is given a new 5-year period by the Ministry of Transport.
2010 - The Journal of Systems and Software ranks Simula as the world’s most productive institution in systems and software research.
2009 - The book Simula Research Laboratory – by thinking constantly about it is published by Springer.
2008 - Simula is ranked 3rd on the Journal of Systems and Software’s list of the world’s most productive research institutions within systems and software engineering.
2007 - Simula School of Research and Innovation is established.
2006 - Kalkulo is established. The Centre for Resilient Networks and Applications (CRNA) is started. Simula is awarded a Centre of Excellence in Biomedical Computing.
2005 - The Norwegian parliament extends Simula’s research grant to 2015.
2004 - Simula Innovation is established.
2003 - Simula’s strategy of directed basic research is formulated and implemented.
2002 - Professor Aslak Tveito is appointed Managing Director, and SRL is established as a limited company.
2001 - Simula is established, and its 41 employees move from the University of Oslo to Fornebu.
Simula - where ideas are born and take flight
Since 2001 Simula has maintained its foundational activities of research, education and innovation. This work is mission-driven, contributing to the research community, academia and society, but that's not all.