
Master's students

There are many different ways for master's students to get involved at Simula!

A core part of Simula's mission is to train highly-qualified experts and leaders. This specialisation begins with your master's degree, and successful master's students have a good starting point for pursuing a career in research, at Simula or elsewhere.

We offer a number of exciting opportunities for Master's students, from:

Master's thesis at Simula

Contribute to cutting-edge research and write your master thesis at Simula!

Our Master's thesis projects are embedded in the research groups at Simula, and the students work closely with their supervisors to produce research that is relevant both for their degree and for the research community more broadly. You can also benefit from a variety of professional and social activities and, of course, free coffee and snacks. 

Want to do your master's thesis project with Simula?

We adapt and grow our master's student offerings often. Browse the projects and let the Academy know if you have an idea for something new!

Benefits for master's students

As a master's student at Simula's premises, you benefit from being part of an active environment, both professionally and socially. As an enrolled student, you have access to the following benefits:

  1. A dedicated study room with individual workspaces and network connections.
  2. Participation in Simula welfare activities.
  3. Coffee, tea, and fruit are available free of charge on Simula's premises.

Application requirements

To apply as a master's student at Simula, you must be enrolled in a master's program at a collaborating degree-granting institution such as a University or a University College. While your master's degree will be awarded by your university, Simula researchers offer you excellent supervision and the opportunity to work on cutting edge research for your thesis project.

*Simula is not a degree-conferring institution. As a master's student at Simula, your degree will be awarded by your university (you must follow your institutions rules regarding course work, exams, and thesis requirements). Simula researchers offer you excellent supervision and the opportunity to work on cutting edge research for your thesis work.

How to apply

To become a master's student at Simula, you must first contact the potential supervisor(s) you are interested in working with (see: available projects). In addition to the pre-defined master's projects, it may also be possible to design a project that is tailored for your interests and background.

Once you have established a collaboration for your master's thesis with a supervisor at Simula, please do the following:

  1. Familiarise yourself with the guidelines below
  2. Register yourself as a master's student at Simula

Simula guidelines for master's students

  • Study regulations at the collaborating university apply, and a written agreement between the student and the Simula supervisor must be submitted to the collaborating university.
  • When you have completed your master's degree, please fill out this MSc Completion Form.
  • If for any reason you do not complete your degree with supervision from Simula, please inform us as soon as possible by sending an email to your supervisor with a copy to

Masters' day at Simula

Simula organises a Masters' Day each autumn semester, in which the research departments present available projects to potential students. For more information about Simula's Masters' Day, please contact the Simula Academy.


The Academy is Simula's hub for researcher training and continuous professional development at Simula. The aim of Simula Academy is to provide excellent training opportunities for all our employees to develop the skills they need to do their best work.