2021 summer internships at Gründergarasjen - apply now!
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2021 summer internships at Gründergarasjen - apply now!


Looking for an interesting summer internship in the field of ICT? Would you like to contribute to the development of new technology products, while learning about how it is to work in an early-stage startup? If so, you have come to the right place.

In the summer of 2021, Simula, and their startup incubator Gründergarasjen, will offer paid intern positions with a selection of our startups, giving you the opportunity to work on technically advanced tasks in a new kind of environment. The startups are working across a range of industries and technical areas within ICT, from a booking platform for the music industry to service for sharing of electrical boats, to a SaaS (Software as a Service) platform for consumer testing of food samples, to a digital environment for logical analysis and critical thinking.

Simula is a publicly owned research institute. Our main objective is to reach new levels of understanding and to create vital knowledge about fundamental scientific challenges that are of genuine value to society. Gründergarasjen is Simula’s startup incubator, offering working and breathing space for early-stage, technology-intensive startups, and supporting entrepreneurs in turning their ideas into successful businesses. We care deeply about helping our startups connect with tech talent, and also helping students gain new skills and competencies through working with startups.

Who are you?

  • You are currently pursuing a bachelor or master degree in mathematics, informatics or technology, and residing in Norway during the summer of 2021.
  • You have a strong academic record.
  • You are curious about entrepreneurship and interested in learning more about work at technology startups.
  • You enjoy working on challenging problems independently and in teams, and are comfortable with working in a dynamic and international environment.
  • You have strong spoken and written English skills.

Simula strives to achieve a good balance between male and female employees, and women are particularly encouraged to apply.

What do we offer?

  • The opportunity to learn from working on a technical challenge and contribute to the development of new products, under supervision from inspiring and engaged tech entrepreneurs.
  • A highly competent and engaging workplace where you are encouraged to contribute, both academically and socially.
  • An hourly-based salary. (Expenses such as travel, housing, etc. are not covered.)


The summer internships will last for 6 weeks, starting June 21st, 2021.


Depending on where the startup is located: either at Simula’s headquarters at Fornebu (about 15 minutes by bus from Oslo city centre), or at our OsloMet premises at Bislett.

How to apply

Formore information and application formsplease click here.

Application deadline: April 30th