Cooperation agreement signed between Simula and NAROM
Simula School of Research and Innovation (SSRI) and the Norwegian Center for Space-Related Education (NAROM) has entered into a cooperation agreement aimed at strengthening science and technology subjects at Norwegian schools.
The signing occurred at NAROM'soffices at Sjølyst, Oslo. Representing SSRI was DirectorMarianne Aasen, as well as Arne Hjalmar Hansen, President of NAROM.
In addition, an 8th grade class from the Humanist school in Oslo witnessed the signing. The students received an introduction to the work done by NAROM and Simula, as well as the work done at Andøya Space Center. NAROM conducts their activities in close cooperation with Andøya Space Center.
The overall purpose of the agreement is to strengthen recuritment to science and technology subjects, as well as supporting Norwegian curriculum goals in such subjects in order to allow schools to offer and promote relevant educational activities.
"I have great expectationsto working with NAROM. They have a professional staff working and they workon the same topicsas SSRI; namely to increase the interest in science among children and youngsters.Simula through ICT, NAROM with spacecraft through Andøya Space Center. Together we have great opportunities to increase interest in technology and recruit young people to focus on math, physics and information technology," said Marianne Aasen.
Tomorrow, SSRI and NAROM will hold a course on AstroPi for 15 teachers here at Fornebu.