Deepak Dwarakanath successfully defended his PhD
On Wednesday August 30th, Deepak Dwarakanath defended his PhD thesis "Robustness of Feature Based Calibration in New Age 3D Applications". The defense took place at 13.15 at Storstua, Simula.
New age 3D multimedia systems deal with capturing a scene using single or multi camera arrays and rendering the 3D scene that is reconstructed from multiple 2D images. Although there are several algorithms to accomplish 3D reconstruction, the 3D multimedia systems pose various practical challenges in terms of deployment and maintenance of the systems. To overcome such practical problems, the systems are required to adopt Feature Based Calibration (FBC), to ensure feasibility and high quality performance and to operate under various application scenarios.
Therefore the main focus of this research was to evaluate for various FBCs whether and how they can achieve high accuracy and robustness against practical issues in 3D multimedia systems. In the process of this evaluation, effects of camera misalignment, adoption of FBC and characterization of feature extractors and pose estimator were studied.
Eventually, (1) tolerances for camera misalignment were determined, (2) a FBC scheme was designed for an existing 3D multimedia system, (3) operational limits for state-of-the-art feature extractors were estimated, and (4) performance limits of pose estimators were explored.
As a result, we give multimedia system designers and researchers useful information to design better FBC-based 3D multimedia systems. In particular, the recommendations provided in the study helps in making a better choice of the feature extractor, camera baseline distance, camera density in the scene and feature points in the images for FBC-based 3D multimedia systems.
The thesis is written within the field of Communication Systems. The work has been conducted at Simula Research Laboratory.
Prior to the defense, at 10.15, Deepak Dwarakanath presented histrial lecture "State of the Art on Automatic 2D-to-3D video Conversion”.
The adjudication committee
- Professor Shervin Shirmohammadi, School of EECS, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- Professor Wu-chi Feng, Portland State University, Dept. of Comp. Science, USA
- Associate Professor Tao Yue, Department of informatics, University of Oslo
Chair of disputation
- Associate Professor Petter Nielsen,Institute of Informatics,University of Oslo
- Professor Carsten Griwodz, Department of Informatics,UIO
- Professor Pål Halvorsen, Department of Informatics,UIO
Read more
Announcement of the PhD defense at the University of Oslo's web pages.