Morten Mossige successfully defended his PhD
On Wednesday August 26th 2015, Morten Mossige successfully defend his PhD thesis "Testing Robotics Software using Constraint Programming in a Continuous Integration Process". The defense took place at the University of Stavanger at 12:15.
Mossige has conducted his PhD as part of the Industial PhD scheme, in cooperation between the Research Council, the University of Stavanger and ABB. He has been affiliated with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IDE) at the Faculty of Science at the University of Stavanger. He also worked three days a month at Simula under the supervision of Dr. Arnaud Gotlieb.
The thesis focuses on how one can create better systems for testing industrial robots.
The intention of the doctorate was to develop methods that provide faster and better testing of robotic systems in the industry. Good, mathematical models for testing of robot installations is critical because there are major costs associated with errors that occur in the field.The thesis demonstrates that the models can reduce development costs and increase the quality of the robot system, while it can provide increased uptime for robots.
- In short, better software for testing helps robot manufacturers deliver a better product to their customers at a lower cost, says Morten Mossige.
More information about Mossige’s research is found here (in Norwegian).
More press releases:
Prior to the defense, at 10:00, Morten Mossige presented his trial lecture "SAT/SMT solving: theory, implementation, and applications".
Chair of the disputation
• Professor Sven Ole Aase, University of Stavanger
• Jan Christian Kerlefsen, ABB
• Arnaud Gotlieb, Simula Research Laboratory
• Hein Meling, University of Stavanger
Read more:
Announcement of the PhD defense at the University of Stavanger’s web pages (in Norwegian).