Øyvind Hjelle successfully defended his PhD
On Thursday the 3rd of July, Øyvind Hjelle defended his doctoral thesis A Hamilton-Jacobi Framework for Modeling Geological Folding and Deformation. The defense took place at Delft University of Technology.
Hjelle has been working on the development of the compound earth simulator as part of the FoU project that Simula and Kalkulo have been running for Statoil since 2005.In his thesis, Hjelle has developed a mathematical framework for modeling geological processes and structures. The framework is designed to support a new modeling paradigm that provides a better understanding of the evolution of the subsurface, in particular oil reservoirs.
Doctoral examination committee:
- Prof.dr.ir. J.T. Fokkema, TNW
- Prof.dr. S.A. Petersen, CiTG
- Prof.dr.J.D.A.M. van Wees, U-Utrecht
- Prof.dr. X. Cai, U-Oslo
- Prof.dr. A.M. Bruaset, U-Oslo
- Prof.dr.ir. C.P.A. Wapenaar, CiTG
- Prof.dr.ir. P.M. van den Berg, TNW
Announcement of the doctoral defense at TU Delft's web pages.