Simula in consortium to build one of the first European quantum computers
Quantum Computer on blue background

Simula in consortium to build one of the first European quantum computers


The European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC) has chosen the LUMI-Q consortium to build one of six quantum computers planned to be the first in Europe. The LUMI-Q infrastructure will be hosted in the Czech Republic and tightly connected to LUMI – currently the most powerful supercomputer in Europe, located in Finland. Simula, Sigma2, and SINTEF are Norwegian partners in the LUMI-Q consortium, thus connecting the Norwegian research community to an international hotspot for the development of bleeding-edge quantum computing technology.

The LUMI-Q consortium will connect several existing European HPC centres to the new quantum computer, and make it accessible for R&D throughout the continent. Combining the consortium’s expertise in HPC and quantum computing, the offered solution will allow end-users to take immediate advantage of the quantum revolution in their computational modelling. This marks an exciting step for quantum computing in Europe.

The LUMI-Q consortium builds and expands upon the established LUMI supercomputer which is presently Europe's most powerful supercomputer, of pre-exascale capacity. It will provide a European-wide quantum computing environment integrated with major EuroHPC infrastructures.

Learn more about LUMI-Q and the host sites for new European quantum computers, including the LUMI-Q quantum computer that will be located in Czechia at the IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre in Ostrava, in these press releases from EuroHPC and IT4Innovations.

LUMI-Q consortium members

  • VSB - Technical University of Ostrava / IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center (coordinator), Czechia
  • Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET AGH, Poland
  • Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
  • CSC - IT Center for Science, Finland
  • DTU - Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
  • German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany
  • Hasselt University, Belgium
  • Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Poland
  • Sigma2 AS, Norway
  • Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
  • SINTEF, Norway
  • SURF, The Netherlands
  • TNO, The Netherlands
  • VTT, Finland


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