Simula has supervised 411 master students
Simula has supervised 411 master students

Simula has supervised 411 master students


Simula reached another milestone this summer: we have supervised over 400 master students. Simula has been supervising master students since 2002, and as of September 6, the number is 411! We are proud to be a contributor to higher education in the field of ICT.

“We believe in education” Marianne Aasen, Director of Simula School of Research and Innovation, says during the biweekly cake session at Simula. She continues: “We also believe that the students want to work with applied science, which they get a change to do here.”

Supervision of master student is a good way to recruit excellent researchers. The students can experience how research is done at Simula. The master students are offered a place to work. They can work on their thesis in a stimulating environment, working alongside researchers on top of their field. We also provide them with a canteen card, gym access and bus compensation. We strive to inspire the students to pursuit a career in research. Having successfully completed a master’s degree at Simula is a good starting point.

The cakes have the number 410 on it. Since the cakes were ordered, yet another student completed their degree, making the total 411. We wish to congratulate all 411 that have completed their master's degree at Simula over the years!