A Simula Milestone: 100 PhD dissertations
Evju (left) is pictured shortly after his defense was declared successful, with the Dean representing the University of Oslo (middle) and Professor Are Magnus Bruaset, Head of the Simula School of Research and Innovation (right).

A Simula Milestone: 100 PhD dissertations


This Friday, Øyvind Evju became the 100th PhD candidate to defend his thesis at Simula. Joakim Sundnes, now a Senior Research Scientist, was the first to defend his thesis at Simula's Fornebu office in March 2002.

Simula was created in 2001, and the first dissertation defense tookplace at Fornebu March 2002. Since then, an increasing number of candidates have completed their dissertation work at Simula, which is presently at a yearly rate of about 10 candidates.

On Friday the 13th of January Øyvind Evju becamethe 100th candidate with thethesis Computational hemodynamics in cerebral aneurysms: Robustness of rupture risk indicators under different model assumptions. Evju'sthesis investigates how to create computer simulations of blood flow through aneurysms in the brain, which are liable to burst and cause life-threateningstrokes.

In the years 2011-2015 Simula has had a yearly average of 9.6 PhD candidates successfully defend their thesis. This rate is comparable tothe high numbers of thenational universities, business schools and the Norwegian School of Economics. Additionally, 86% of the PhD candidates at Simula successfully finish their thesis. Among the different ICT educations in Norway, the Department of Informatics at the University of Bergen is the only institution with a higher completion rate.