Simula researchers to cooperate with the Cancer Registry and the City of Oslo in two new innovation projects
Simula researchers to cooperate with the Cancer Registry and the City of Oslo in two new innovation projects

Simula researchers to cooperate with the Cancer Registry and the City of Oslo in two new innovation projects


Chief research scientist Shaukat Ali and Adjunct research scientist Tao Yue at Simula have been granted funds for two new innovation projects in the public sector.

In the project, “AI-Powered Testing Infrastructure for Cancer Registry System” Simula will work alongside the Cancer Registry of Norway to create an infrastructure for new testing techniques on data collected about cancer patients. A well-test system will prevent itself from producing inaccurate statistics and data to its end users. Inaccurate or imprecise data produced by the system have significant adverse effects on the scientific results produced by researchers. Also, inaccurate or imprecise statistics produced by the system will significantly impact the decisions made by patients, hospitals, and policymakers.

For the second project, Ali and Yue will work with Oslo Municipality to look at how to improve the current and future testing practice for IoT-based healthcare welfare technology solutions that provide welfare services to citizens. The aim of the project is to ensure that the welfare technology solutions provided by Oslo to its citizens are functionally correct, secure, and do not violate privacy.

The Research Council of Norway received over 100 applications, with only 33 projects receiving funding.It is the Research Council’s largest allocation of innovation projects in the public sector. All 33 projects will be managed by public companies.