Simula summer intern won bronze in the International Olympiad in Informatics
Simula summer intern won bronze in the International Olympiad in Informatics

Simula summer intern won bronze in the International Olympiad in Informatics


Jon Magnus Rosenblad, a summer intern at Simula, won a bronze medal during the International Olympiad in Informatics.

Jon Magnus Rosenblad, a summer intern at Simula, won a bronze medal during the International Olympiad in Informatics, held earlier this month

-It was fun to participate. I thought it was an excellent opportunity to meet talented people with similar interest but with a completely different background from myself.

Held earlier this month in Baku, Azerbaijan, the annual competition drew over 300 participants from 88 countries. The participants competed in creating computer programs to solve various problems of a practical or mathematical nature.

- The competition was fierce, but there were some incredibly cool tasks too!

Rosenblad graduated from high school this spring and will now study towards a bachelor degree in Mathematics and Informatics at the University of Oslo.

At Simula, he was part of a team working on machine learning on a dataset. The work is part of a collaboration between Simula Metropolitan and Oslo Metropolitan University. Rosenblad will continue working at Simula while pursuing his degree.