Simula UiB turns 5
Simula UiB turns 5

Simula UiB turns 5


Simula UiB - a research center focused on cryptography and information theory - celebrates its fifth anniversary.

Simula UiB opened in June 2016 with the goal of becoming an excellent research centre in the fields of cybersecurity, educating highly qualified IT security experts for the benefit of Norwegian society. After five years in existence, Simula UiB has several reasons to celebrate.

Both research sections (Cryptography and Information Theory) are fully engaged with research and education activities. Simula UiB researchers have published their work in reputable journals, including IEEE Transaction on Communications and IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, and presented at international conferences such as the RSA Conference and Asiacrypt. In total, Simula UiB has supervised 27Master’s students and five PhD candidates to completed degrees since its establishment. Several of the company’s graduate candidates work for Norwegian companies that require a security clearance.

Since opening in 2016, Simula UiB has grown considerably and now includes 31 persons officially associated with the centre. To accommodate this rapid growth, Simula UiB moved into new, modern premises at the start of 2020 and are now located in the neighbouring building to the Department of Informatics at the University of Bergen. The premises have room for guests as well as good opportunities for project collaboration.

The centre is co-owned by Simula and the University of Bergen. For more information, visit their webpage: