Simula’s eX3 infrastructure part of the ESFRI Roadmap 2021
Simula's HPC department and the eX3 infrastructure will be part of the ESFRI roadmap 2021 through their work with the project SLICES.
The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructure (ESFRI) has announced 11 new research infrastructures (RI) to join the European Roadmap 2021. One of these 11 infrastructures is SLICES, which involves Simula researchers through the eX3 infrastructure.
SLICES (Scientific Large-scale Infrastructure for Computing/Communication Experimental Studies) is a flexible platform designed to support large-scale, experimental research that is focused on networking protocols, radio technologies, services, data collection, parallel and distributed computing and in particular, cloud and edge-based computing architectures and services. SLICES aims to become an impactful RI in Digital Sciences, addressing concerns regarding energy consumption and the implementation of the Green Deal.
The eX3 infrastructure, hosted by Simula, is part of the SLICES consortium alongside research groups from 15 other European countries. The eX3 contribution to the pan-European SLICES infrastructure will concentrate on emerging technologies for high-performance computing. For more information about SLICES, please visit the SLICES-RI webpage.
About the ESFRI Roadmap
ESFRI has established a European Roadmap for Research Infrastructures (new and major upgrades, pan-European interest) for the next 10-20 years, stimulates the implementation of these facilities, and updates the roadmap as needed. The ESFRI Roadmap arguably contains the best European science facilities based on a thorough evaluation and selection procedure. It combines ESFRI Projects, which are new RI in progress towards implementation, and ESFRI Landmarks with successfully implemented RIs enabling excellent science. For more information about ESFRI, please visit ESFRI Roadmap 2021 webpage.
About eX3
The eX3 project (Experimental Infrastructure for Exploration of Exascale Computing) is not meant to be an exascale computer by itself; rather, it is a carefully curated ecosystem of technology components that will be crucial for embracing exascale computing. In particular, eX3 allows HPC researchers throughout Norway and their collaborators abroad to experiment hands-on with emerging HPC technologies – hardware as well as software. These researchers work closely with owners of computationally challenging problems that require physics-based and/or data-driven modelling to be solved.
The eX3 project is hosted by Simula, with the following partners: the University of Bergen, University of Tromsø, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), Uninett Sigma2 AS, Graphcore AS, Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS, and Numascale AS. The project is funded through the Research Council of Norway’s program for national research infrastructures. For more information about eX3, please visit the eX3 webpage.