Code of Ethics
Scope and purpose
This Code of Ethics applies to all individuals who act on behalf of the Simula Group, including employees, consultants and Board members in the parent company and subsidiaries and others who act on behalf of Simula, hereinafter referred to as "employees".
The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to specify ethical standards for the individual employee's personal conduct and business practices. In any and all contexts in which an employee represents Simula, the employee shall act in a socially responsible manner that inspires confidence in the company.
Simula has drawn up a Code of Ethics which defines an employee's scope of responsibility and authority within the organisation. Simula expects each employee to perform his/her role in conformity with the company's objectives and principles of governance.
Social responsibility
Simula’s mission is based on three main pillars: research, education and innovation. Research with long-term impact is combined with both teaching of postgraduate students, development of commercial applications, and the creation of new business, all of value for industry and society in general.
All employees must respect that the framework for all activities is a sound basis in financial, social and environmental responsibility that ensures Simula’s role as a responsible and reliable part of the Norwegian society.
Conflicts of interest
All employees shall adhere to the Group's values and work to promote the best interests of the Group in a long-term perspective. Prerequisites for this include being loyal to decisions taken by the Group, combined with honesty and integrity in respect of colleagues.
While holding offices or positions outside the Group is positive, such activities must not assume a scope or be of such a nature that they impact the employment relationship or conflict with Simula's interests. Simula has routines for reporting external offices, as described in more detail in the Personnel Guidelines.
Simula does not support political parties either by providing direct financial support or donating working hours.
As an employee, you must not participate in discussions of or decisions on questions of importance to you or persons closely related to you where you have personal or financial interests at stake. This also applies if so doing could conceivably compromise your impartiality.
Spouses, cohabitants or close relatives who both work at Simula cannot be in the direct reporting line and, insofar as possible, these individuals should not work in the same unit. It is assumed that personal relationships will not influence work-related actions or attitudes, including the treatment of confidential information.
In connection with the purchase of goods or services from friends, family or relatives, great caution should be exercised and your immediate superior should always be notified.
s an employee, you are obligated to maintain confidentiality in respect of all business matters and other matters that could give outsiders access to confidential information. Exercise discretion when it comes to discussing the Group's internal affairs if there is a chance that you might be overheard by unauthorised parties.
Your obligation of confidentiality also extends to other co-workers who should not be given access to certain information, for example, in cases related to personnel matters.
The obligation of confidentiality does not apply to information that has unlawful content. All employees have a duty to provide notification about censurable conditions. Simula has drawn up a Procedure for Notification of Censurable Conditions, which describes the procedure for blowing the whistle on censurable conditions in the workplace.
Simula shall consistently treat personal information in a thoughtful, responsible manner, and in accordance with current legislation.
Gifts, enticements and corruption
Caution shall be exercised in giving and accepting gifts or other enticements that could affect business-related decisions. If in doubt, consult your immediate superior.
You are not, under any circumstances, allowed to pay or receive bribes or unreasonable gifts to or from customers, suppliers, the authorities or other stakeholders. Should you be offered something that could conceivably be perceived as a bribe, report the offer to your immediate superior immediately.
The working environment and inclusion
Simula has drawn up a special memorandum entitled the Simula Culture which describes Simula's core values.
Simula will show concern for the individual employee's individual needs. Simula will not accept or tolerate any form of harassment, victimisation or discrimination based on religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, nationality, physical disability or political views.
Strive to resolve any conflicts as early as possible. Cases in which an employee claims that there has been harassment, victimisation or discrimination should always be reported to executive management. Simula has drawn up procedures for conflict management.
Simula works actively to ensure that all employees of all nationalities and religions are treated with respect and get adequate assistance to facilitate integration into Simula as well as society at large.
Simula works actively to recruit women through a special plan of action.
Research ethics in the Simula Group
Simula is an institution dedicated to the truth, and the quest for truth. The Group's reputation depends on the outside world having confidence in the fact that our research results are correct and that they have be produced in a verifiable, ethically responsible manner. As regards issues associated with research ethics, Simula's scientists shall comply with the guidelines issued by the National Committee for Research Ethics in Science and Technology (NENT). In addition, Simula employees shall comply with Simula's own Publication Guidelines for co-authorship of scientific publications. These guidelines are based on the Vancouver Convention.
It is incumbent upon you as an employee to familiarise yourself with the content of Simula's Code of Ethics. Serious violations may lead to dismissal or discharge.