SUURPh is a collaborative PhD program involving Simula, the University of Oslo (UiO), and the University of California, San Diego (UCSD).
This initiative has been funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Research and Education to promote multidisciplinary research in computational biology and medicine. The program seeks to provide international training opportunities for PhD students enrolled in Norway, and support collaboration among scientists at Simula, UiO, and UCSD.
S - Simula
U - UiO
R - Research
Ph - PhD Training
SUURPh Research
SUURPh currently funds 8 doctoral fellows who work with advisors in Oslo and at UCSD on projects in the field of computational biology and medicine. Project topics span many areas in the field such as electrophysiology, neuroscience, cardiac mechanics and machine learning in biological systems.
Summer School
The annual Summer School in Computational Physiology is a core component of the SUURPh program.