Benjamin Ragan-Kelley
Chief Research Engineer
- Department
- Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
- Organisation
- Simula Research Laboratory
- Research Interests
- Scientific Computing Interactive Computing Programming Education Reproducible Research
Conference proceedings
B. Ragan-Kelley, M. Henderson, F. Perez, R. Thomas, S. Cholia and L. Ramakrishnan
Enabling Scientific Collaboration with JupyterHub
Combined International Workshop on Interactive Urgent Supercomputing (CIW-IUS)
Book Chapters
C. Midoglu, B. Ragan-Kelley, S. Reinemo, J. Jahren and P. Halvorsen
Smittestopp Backend
Smittestopp − A Case Study on Digital Contact Tracing
Journal Articles
S. Ghannoum, W. L. Netto, D. Fantini, B. Ragan-Kelley, A. Parizadeh, E. Jonasson, A. Ståhlberg, H. Farhan and A. Köhn-Luque
DIscBIO: A User-Friendly Pipeline for Biomarker Discovery in Single-Cell Transcriptomics
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
M. Beg, J. Belin, T. Kluyver, A. Konovalov, B. Ragan-Kelley, N. Thiery and H. Fangohr
Using Jupyter for reproducible scientific workflows
Computing in Science & Engineering
B. Ragan-Kelley
The cloud is the limit: scaling limits of JupyterHub
V. D. Øvreeide and B. Ragan-Kelley
Measuring notebook reproducibility with repo2docker
Talks, keynote
B. Ragan-Kelley
Jupyter Expanding: from shell to notebook to lab and hub
Proceedings, refereed
M. Bussonier, J. Forde, J. Freeman, B. Granger, T. Head, C. Holdgraf, K. Kelley, G. Nalvarte, A. Osheroff, M. Pacer, Y. Panda, F. Perez, B. Ragan-Kelley and C. Willing
Binder 2.0 - Reproducible, interactive, sharable environments for science at scale
Python in Science Conference. Proceedings of the 17th Python in Science Conference
J. Forde, T. Head, C. Holdgraf, Y. Panda, G. Nalvarte, M. Pacer, F. Perez, B. Ragan-Kelley and E. Sundell
Reproducible Research Environments with Repo2Docker
ICML 2018 Reproducible Machine Learning
Talks, contributed
C. Willing, B. Ragan-Kelley and E. Sundell
Deploying a cloud-based JupyterHub for students and researchers
JupyterCon, New York, NY, USA
C. Holdgraf and B. Ragan-Kelley
Binder 2.0: Next Gen of Reproducible Scientific Environments w/ repo2docker & BinderHub
SciPy, USA
B. Ragan-Kelley and P. Jupyter
Jupyter Notebooks Facilitating Productivity, Sustainability, and Accessibility of Data Science
Talks, invited
B. Ragan-Kelley
Interactive Parallel Computing with Jupyter, IPython, and Dask
SOS21, Davos, Switzerland
B. Ragan-Kelley and P. Jupyter
Jupyter and IPython facilitating open access and reproducible research
2nd Conference on Non-Textual Information, Hannover, Germany
Talks, contributed
V. T. Fauske, B. Ragan-Kelley and M. S. Alnæs
Jupyter Notebooks in Source Control: nbdime
PyData London, UK
V. T. Fauske, M. S. Alnæs and B. Ragan-Kelley
Interactive 3D Visualization in Jupyter Notebooks
EuroSciPy 2017, Erlangen, Germany
M. S. Alnæs, V. T. Fauske and B. Ragan-Kelley
3D visualization in Jupyter Notebooks
FEniCS’17, Luxembourg
V. T. Fauske, B. Ragan-Kelley and M. S. Alnæs
Notebooks in Version Control - diffing and merging with nbdime
Computational Mathematics with Jupyter workshop, Edinburgh, Scotland
B. Ragan-Kelley and P. Jupyter
Interactive CSE with IPython and Jupyter
SIAM CSE 2017, Atlanta, USA
Proceedings, non-refereed
T. Kluyver, B. Ragan-Kelley, F. Perez, B. Granger, M. Bussonier, J. Frederic, K. Kelley, J. Hamrick, J. Grout, S. Corlay, P. Ivanov, D. Avila, S. Abdallah, C. Willing and P. Jupyter
Jupyter Notebooks: a publishing format for reproducible computational workflows
20th International Conference on Electronic Publishing
Talks, invited
B. Ragan-Kelley and P. Jupyter
Using IPython and Jupyter for reproducible research
Swedish Bioinformatics Workshop
B. Ragan-Kelley and P. Jupyter
JupyterHub: Deploying Jupyter Notebooks for students and researchers
JupyterDay Orsay
V. T. Fauske, M. S. Alnæs and B. Ragan-Kelley
nbdime: diffing and merging notebooks
JupyterDay Orsay
Talks, contributed
V. T. Fauske, M. S. Alnæs and B. Ragan-Kelley
nbdime: Notebook Diffing and Merging
EuroSciPy 2016, Erlangen, Germany
B. Ragan-Kelley, T. Kluyver and P. Jupyter
Jupyter: Notebooks in Multiple Languages for Data Science
PyData Amsterdam
B. Ragan-Kelley, K. Kelley and T. Kluyver
JupyterHub: Deploying Jupyter Notebooks for students and researchers
PyData London
B. Ragan-Kelley, V. T. Fauske and M. S. Alnæs
Diffing and Merging Jupyter Notebooks with nbdime
SciPy 2016
M. Rocklin, B. Ragan-Kelley and B. Zaitlen
Parallel Python: Analyzing Large Datasets
SciPy 2016
B. Ragan-Kelley and P. Jupyter
Jupyter and its Horizons