Kristian Gregorius Hustad
Affiliated PhD student
- Department
- Computational Physiology
- Organisation
- Simula Research Laboratory
- Research Interests
- Heterogeneous Computing Supercomputing

Journal Articles
L. Pankewitz, K. G. Hustad, S. Govil, J. C. Perry, S. Hegde, R. Tang, J. H. Omens, A. Young, A. D. McCulloch and H. Arevalo
A universal biventricular coordinate system incorporating valve annuli: Validation in congenital heart disease
Medical Image Analysis
Journal Articles
L. Burchard, K. G. Hustad, J. Langguth and X. Cai
Enabling unstructured-mesh computation on massively tiled AI processors: An example of accelerating in silico cardiac simulation
Frontiers in Physics
Journal Articles
K. G. Hustad and X. Cai
Resource-efficient use of modern processor architectures for numerically solving cardiac ionic cell models
Frontiers in Physiology
Book Chapters
K. G. Hustad, E. Ivanovic, A. L. Recha and A. A. Sakthivel
Conduction Velocity in Cardiac Tissue as Function of Ion Channel Conductance and Distribution
Computational Physiology - Simula Summer School 2021 − Student Reports
Talks, contributed
L. Pankewitz, S. Govil, K. G. Hustad, J. C. Perry, S. Hedge, R. Tang, A. D. McCulloch and H. Arevalo
Development of a Biventricular Coordinate System with Representation of an Anatomically Detailed Base
K. G. Hustad
An Operator-Splitting Approach to Solving Cell-Based Mathematical Models of Cardiac Tissue using Modern CPU Architectures
SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing
Journal Articles
K. H. Jæger, K. G. Hustad, X. Cai and A. Tveito
Efficient numerical solution of the EMI model representing the extracellular space (E), cell membrane (M) and intracellular space (I) of a collection of cardiac cells
Frontiers in Physics
Book Chapters
K. H. Jæger, K. G. Hustad, X. Cai and A. Tveito
Operator Splitting and Finite Difference Schemes for Solving the EMI Model
Modeling Excitable Tissue: The EMI Framework
K. G. Hustad, X. Cai, J. Langguth and H. Arevalo
Efficient simulations of patient-specific electrical heart activity on the DGX-2
J. Langguth, H. Arevalo, K. G. Hustad and X. Cai
Towards Detailed Real-Time Simulations of Cardiac Arrhythmia
Master's thesis
K. G. Hustad
Solving the monodomain model efficiently on GPUs
The University of Oslo