Kristian Valen-Sendstad
Chief Research Scientist
- Department
- Computational Physiology
- Organisation
- Simula Research Laboratory
- Research Interests
- Computational Fluid Mechanics Cerebral blood flow Turbulence Transitional Flows
Journal Articles
E. Khalili, C. Daversin-Catty, A. L. Olivares, J. Mill, O. Camara and K. Valen-Sendstad
On the importance of fundamental computational fluid dynamics toward a robust and reliable model of left atrial flows
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
D. A. Bruneau, K. Valen-Sendstad and D. Steinman
Reply to: ‘Elastostatic theory usefully approximates fluid–soft matter interactions in cerebral aneurysm resonance’
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology
E. Khalili, C. Daversin-Catty, A. L. Olivares, J. Mill, O. Camara and K. Valen-Sendstad
On The Importance of Fundamental Computational Fluid Dynamics Towards a Robust and Reliable Model of Left Atrial Flows
International journal of numerical methods in biomedical engineering
Talks, contributed
K. Yamamoto, D. A. Bruneau, D. A. Steinmam and K. Valen-Sendstad
Sensitivity Analysis Of Wall Vibrations Induced By Turbulent-Like Flow In Intracranial Aneurysms
Arlington, VA, United States
Journal Articles
H. Kjeldsberg, A. Bergersen and K. Valen-Sendstad
VaMPy: An Automated and Objective Pipeline for Modeling Vascular Geometries
Journal of Open Source Software
L. Soliveri, D. A. Bruneau, J. Ring, M. Bozzetto, A. Remuzzi and K. Valen-Sendstad
Towards a Physiological Model of Vascular Wall Vibrations in the Arteriovenous Fistula
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology
D. A. Bruneau, D. Steinman and K. Valen-Sendstad
Understanding intracranial aneurysm sounds via high-fidelity fluid-structure-interaction modelling
Communications Medicine
M. Bozzetto, A. Remuzzi and K. Valen-Sendstad
Flow-induced high frequency vascular wall vibrations in an arteriovenous fistula: a specific stimulus for stenosis development?
Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine
H. Kjeldsberg, J. Sundnes and K. Valen-Sendstad
A verified and validated moving domain computational fluid dynamics solver with applications to cardiovascular flows
International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering
D. A. Bruneau, K. Valen-Sendstad and D. Steinman
Onset and nature of flow-induced vibrations in cerebral aneurysms via fluid–structure interaction simulations
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology
Proceedings, refereed
M. Bozzetto, L. Soliveri, A. Remuzzi and K. Valen-Sendstad
Transitional flow in AVF: is there a correlation between wall vibrations and stenosis development?
VAS2023 - 13th Congress of the Vascular Access Society
M. Bozzetto, L. Soliveri, A. Remuzzi and K. Valen-Sendstad
Wall vibrations in the arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis: a novel mechanobiological stimulus?
ESAO2023 - 49th Annual Congress of the European Society for Artificial Organs, Bergamo
M. Bozzetto, L. Soliveri, A. Remuzzi and K. Valen-Sendstad
Vascular wall vibrations in AVF: a novel mechanobiological stimulus?
ESB-ITA - XII Annual Meeting of the Italian Chapter of the European Society of Biomechanics
H. Kjeldsberg
On the Assumption of Rigid Walls in Atrial Fibrillation Patients; Implications for Prediction of Hemodynamics and Thromboembolic Indicators
18th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
Talks, contributed
K. Yamamoto, D. Bruneau, D. Steinman and K. Valen-Sendstad
The effects of cerebrospinal fluid and hyperelastic model on aneurysm wall vibration using high-fidelity fluid-structure interaction simulations
Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference
Journal Articles
A. Souche and K. Valen-Sendstad
High-Fidelity Fluid Structure Interaction Simulations of Turbulent-Like Aneurysm Flows Reveals High-Frequency Narrowband Wall Vibrations: A Stimulus of Mechanobiological Relevance?
Journal of Biomechanics
Proceedings, refereed
E. Khalili, C. Daversin-Catty and K. Valen-Sendstad
A Comparative Study of Normal and High-Fidelity Approaches to Predict Flow Physics of Left Atrium
Computing in Cardiology, CinC 2022
L. Soliveri, M. Bozzetto, A. Redaelli, A. Remuzzi and K. Valen-Sendstad
Characterization of Vessel Wall Vibrations of an Arteriovenous Fistula Over the Maturation Period
7th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering (CMBE2022)
M. Bozzetto, J. Ring, A. Remuzzi and K. Valen-Sendstad
Turbulent-like arteriovenous fistula flows cause wall vibrations: a specific stimulus for stenosis formation?
9th World Congress of Biomechanics,
D. A. Bruneau, K. Valen-Sendstad and D. A. Steinman
Impact of Flow Rate on Wall Vibration in Intracranial Aneurysms
8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineer- ing
K. Yamamoto and K. Valen-Sendstad
Turbulent-like flow as a cause of cerebral aneurysm initiation: Can flow instability promote pathophysiological wall remodeling?
H. Kjeldsberg
Impact of Rigid Versus Dynamic Boundaries on Computational Fluid Dynamics Predictor of Left Atrial Appendage Thrombus Formation
Talks, keynote
E. Khalili, C. Daversin-Catty and K. Valen-Sendstad
A Comparative Study of Normal and High-Fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics Approaches to Predict Flow Physics of Left Atrium
Computing in Cardiology, Tampere, Finland
K. Yamamoto and K. Valen-Sendstad
SimCardioTest Open Source Software – Demo on OASIS: Computational fluid dynamics solver & SOFA: Simulation Open Framework Architecture
VPH2022, Porto, Portugal
Talks, invited
E. Khalili, H. Kjeldsberg, S. N. Gadur, C. Daversin-Catty and K. Valen-Sendstad
Computational Fluid Dynamics Approaches to Predict Flow Physics of Left Atrium
Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Barcelona, Spain
H. Kjeldsberg, J. Sundnes and K. Valen-Sendstad
A mechanistic approach towards personalized treatment in patients with atrial fibrillation
University Heart & Vascular Center Hamburg - UKE
Talks, contributed
K. Yamamoto and K. Valen-Sendstad
Under-resolved DNS of turbulent flow in straight and helically coiled pipes
FEniCS 2022, San Diego, USA
Journal Articles
A. Haley, K. Valen-Sendstad and D. Steinman
On delayed transition to turbulence in an eccentric stenosis model for clean vs. noisy high-fidelity CFD
Journal of Biomechanics
M. Khan, T. Arana, M. Najafi, D. MacDonald, T. Natarajan, K. Valen-Sendstad and D. Steinman
On the prevalence of flow instabilities from high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics of intracranial bifurcation aneurysms
Journal of Biomechanics
H. Kjeldsberg, A. Bergersen and K. Valen-Sendstad
Automated landmarking of bends in vascular structures: a comparative study with application to the internal carotid artery
BioMedical Engineering OnLine
Proceedings, refereed
M. Bozzetto, A. Souche, A. Remuzzi and K. Valen-Sendstad
Turbulent-like arteriovenous fistula flows cause wall vibrations: a specific stimulus for stenosis formation?
47th Congress of the European Society of Artificial Organs
D. A. Bruneau, M. Najafi, T. Natarajan, K. Valen-Sendstad and D. A. Steinman
SB3C2021 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference
M. Bozzetto, A. Souche, A. Remuzzi, K. Valen-Sendstad and E.
Journal Articles
A. Bergersen, A. Slyngstad, S. Gjertsen, A. Souche and K. Valen-Sendstad
turtleFSI: A Robust and Monolithic FEniCS-based Fluid-Structure Interaction Solver
Journal of Open Source Software
A. Bergersen, H. Kjeldsberg and K. Valen-Sendstad
A framework for automated and objective modification of tubular structures: Application to the internal carotid artery
International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering
V. Mancini, A. Bergersen, K. Valen-Sendstad and P. Segers
Computed Post-Stenotic Flow Instabilities Correlate Phenotypically with Vibrations Measured Using Laser Doppler Vibrometry: Perspectives for a Promising In-Vivo Device for Early Detection of Moderate and Severe Carotid Stenosis
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering
Proceedings, refereed
A. Souche and K. Valen-Sendstad
Turbulent-Like Aneurysm Flows Trigger Distinct Highfrequent Wall Vibrations
14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM)
Journal Articles
A. Bergersen, C. Chnafa, D. Gallo, M. Piccinelli, D. A. Steinman and K. Valen-Sendstad
Automated and Objective Removal of Bifurcation Aneurysms: Incremental Improvements, and Validation Against Healthy Controls
Journal of Biomechanics
A. K. Diem and K. Valen-Sendstad
Time-Lapsing Perfusion: Proof of Concept of a Novel Method to Study Drug Delivery in Whole Organs
Biophysical Journal
Proceedings, refereed
A. K. Diem and K. Valen-Sendstad
Porous Modelling of Cardiac Perfusion under Contraction to Demonstrate the Distribution of Therapeutic Nanoparticles
International Conference in Computing in Cardiology, Singapore, 2019
V. Mancini, A. Bergersen, K. Valen-Sendstad and P. Segers
Comparing apples to oranges; Measured skin vibrations correlate phenotypically with computed post-stenotic flow instabilities. A pragmatic but robust tool for early detection of carotid stenoses?
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
P. M. Florvaag, V. Naumova and K. Valen-Sendstad
Automated and objective segmentation of medical image using machine learning techniques: all models are wrong, but some are useful
Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering
V. Mancini, A. Bergersen, K. Valen-Sendstad and P. Segers
Intensity of Stenosis-Indused Flow Instabilities of the Internal Carotid Artery: A Computational Approach
Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference
A. K. Diem and K. Valen-Sendstad
Porous modelling of cardiac perfusion to optimise targeted drug delivery
A. Souche
Can turbulent-like flow cause high frequency vibrations of intracranial aneurysm walls ?
Talks, invited
K. Valen-Sendstad
Modeling of ‘patient-specific’ blood flow in the brain: Are we there yet?
American Physical Society, Seattle, WA, USA
Talks, contributed
A. Souche and K. Valen-Sendstad
Are High-Frequency Aneurysm Wall Vibrations of Importance?
6th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering – CMBE2019, Sendai, Japan
Y. Aboelkassem, A. K. Diem, K. Valen-Sendstad and A. D. McCulloch
Autonomic Modelling of Interaction between Coronary Perfusion Flow and Myocardium Mechanics using Computational Poroelasticity
International Society of Autonomic Neuroscience, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Journal Articles
P. Berg, S. Voß, S. Saalfeld, G. Janiga, A. Bergersen, K. Valen-Sendstad, J. Bruening, L. Goubergrits, A. Spuler, N. M. Cancelliere, D. A. Steinman, V. M. Pereira, T. L. Chiu, A. C. O. Tsang, B. J. Chung, J. R. Cebral, S. Cito, J. Pallares, G. Copelli, B. Csippa, G. Paál, S. Fujimura, H. Takao, S. Hodis, G. Hille, C. Karmonik, S. Elias, K. Kellermann, O. M. Khan, A. L. Marsden, H. G. Morales, S. Piskin, E. A. Finol, M. Pravdivtseva, H. Rajabzadeh-Oghaz, N. Paliwal, H. Meng, S. Seshadhri, M. Howard, M. Shojima, S. Sugiyama, K. Niizuma, S. Sindeev, S. Frolov, T. Wagner, A. Brawanski, Y. Qian, Y. Wu, K. D. Carlson, D. Dragomir-Daescu and O. Beuing
Multiple Aneurysms AnaTomy CHallenge 2018 (MATCH): Phase I: Segmentation
Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology
Proceedings, refereed
V. Mancini, A. Bergersen, J. Vierendeels, P. Segers and K. Valen-Sendstad
Can We Detect Carotid Artery Stenosis From Skin Vibrations: A Computational Investigation of High-Frequent Flow Under Physiological Varying Flow Conditions.
8th World Congress of Biomechanics