Michael Riegler
ProfessorHead of AI Strategy
- Department
- Administration and Management
- Organisation
- Simula Metropolitan
- Research Interests
- Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Applied AI in Medicine Multimedia & Medical Multimedia Human Reproduction Child Welfare
- michael@simula.no
Journal Articles
P. Salehi, S. Z. Hassan, G. A. Baugerud, M. Powell, C. L. Cano, M. S. Johnson, R. K. Røed, D. Johansen, S. S. Sabet, M. Riegler and P. Halvorsen
A theoretical and empirical analysis of 2D and 3D Virtual Environments in Training for Child Interview Skills
IEEE Access
N. Papachrysos, P. H. Smedsrud, K. V. Ånonsen, T. J. D. Berstad, H. Espeland, A. Petlund, P. Hedenström, P. Halvorsen, J. Varkey, H. L. Hammer, M. Riegler and T. de Lange
A comparative study benchmarking colon polyp detection with CADe software
T. L. Vo, Q. H. Do, T. Nguyen, P. Halvorsen, M. Riegler and B. T. Nguyen
The Effects of Data Imputation on Covariance and Inverse Covariance Matrix Estimation
IEEE Access
T. L. Vo, Q. H. Do, T. Nguyen, P. Halvorsen, M. Riegler and B. T. Nguyen
The Effects of Data Imputation on Covariance and Inverse Covariance Matrix Estimation
IEEE Access
B. Torpmann-Hagen, M. Riegler, P. Halvorsen and D. Johansen
A Robust Framework for Distributional Shift Detection Under Sample-Bias
IEEE Access
A. Chatterjee, M. W. Gerdes, A. Prinz, M. Riegler and S. G. Martinez
Semantic representation and comparative analysis of physical activity sensor observations using MOX2-5 sensor in real and synthetic datasets: a proof-of-concept-study
Scientific Reports
S. Hicks, A. Storås, M. Riegler, C. Midoglu, M. Hammou, T. de Lange, S. Parasa, P. Halvorsen and I. Strümke
Visual explanations for polyp detection: How medical doctors assess intrinsic versus extrinsic explanations
G. A. Baugerud, M. S. Johnson, R. Dianiska, R. K. Røed, M. Powell, M. E. Lamb, S. Z. Hassan, S. S. Sabet, S. Hicks, P. Salehi, M. Riegler, P. Halvorsen and J. Quas
Using an AI-based avatar for interviewer training at Children’s Advocacy Centers: Proof of Concept
Child Maltreatment
L. Maier-Hein, A. Reinke, P. Godau, M. D. Tizabi, F. Buettner, E. Christodoulou, B. Glocker, F. Isensee, J. Kleesiek, M. Kozubek, M. Reyes, M. Riegler and e. al.
Metrics reloaded: Pitfalls and recommendations for biomedical image analysis validation
Nature Methods
A. Reinke, M. Riegler and e. al.
Understanding metric-related pitfalls in image analysis validation
Nature Methods
C. Midoglu, A. K. Winther, M. Boeker, S. D. Pettersen, S. Pedersen, N. Ragab, T. Kupka, S. Hicks, M. B. Randers, R. Jain, H. J. Dagenborg, S. Pettersen, D. Johansen, M. Riegler and P. Halvorsen
A large-scale multivariate soccer athlete health, performance, and position monitoring dataset
Scientific Data (Sci Data)
S. M. M. Dorcheh, M. H. Sarkhoosh, C. Midoglu, S. S. Sabet, T. Kupka, D. Johansen, M. Riegler and P. Halvorsen
AI-Based Cropping of Sport Videos using SmartCrop
International Journal of Semantic Computing (IJSC)
H. Svennevik, S. Hicks, M. Riegler, T. Storelvmo and H. L. Hammer
A dataset for predicting cloud cover over Europe
Scientific Data
M. Vo, T. Nguyen, M. Riegler and H. L. Hammer
Efficient Estimation of Generative Models Using Tukey Depth
S. Ali, N. Ghatwary, D. Jha, E. Isik-Polat, G. Polat, C. Yang, W. Li, A. Galdran, M. G. Ballester, V. Thambawita, S. Hicks, S. Poudel, S. Lee, Z. Jin, T. Gan, C. Yu, J. Yan, D. Yeo, H. Lee, N. KumarTomar, M. Haithami, A. Ahmed, M. Riegler, C. Daul, P. Halvorsen, J. Rittscher, O. E. Salem, D. Lamarque, R. Cannizzaro, S. Realdon, T. de Lange and J. E. East
Assessing generalisability of deep learning-based polyp detection and segmentation methods through a computer vision challenge
Scientific Reports
A. Reinke, M. Riegler and e. al.
Understanding metric-related pitfalls in image analysis validation
Proceedings, refereed
P. Salehi, S. Z. Hassan, G. A. Baugerud, M. Powell, C. L. Cano, M. S. Johnson, R. K. Røed, D. Johansen, S. S. Sabet, M. Riegler and P. Halvorsen
Immersive Virtual Reality in Child Interview Skills Training: A Comparison of 2D and 3D Environments
Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Immersive Mixed and Virtual Environment Systems
M. H. Sarkhoosh, S. M. M. Dorcheh, C. Midoglu, S. S. Sabet, T. Kupka, D. Johansen, M. Riegler and P. Halvorsen
AI-Based Cropping of Soccer Videos for Different Social Media Representations
International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2024)
A. Sharma, F. Alawad, R. Kakulavarapu, M. Iliceto, M. Riegler, M. Stensen and H. L. Hammer
Exploring Embryo Development at the Morula Stage-an AI-based Approach to Determine Whether to Use or Discard an Embryo
2024 4th International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence (ICAPAI)
A. B. Ovesen, T. S. Nordmo, M. Riegler, P. Halvorsen and D. Johansen
Sustainable Commercial Fishery Control Using Multimedia Forensics Data from Non-trusted, Mobile Edge Nodes
International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM)
E. J. Kassab, H. M. Solberg, S. Gautam, S. S. Sabet, T. Torjusen, M. Riegler, P. Halvorsen and C. Midoglu
TACDEC: Dataset of Tackle Events in Soccer Game Videos
MMSys '24: Proceedings of the 15th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference
Conference proceedings
L. Knutsen, J. E. Hannay and M. Riegler
Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector -- An Agenda for Responsible Innovation through Learning
International Workshop on Software-intensive Business
F. Alawad, P. Halvorsen and M. Riegler
E2Evideo: End to End Video and Image Pre-processing and Analysis Tool
30th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling
Journal Articles
C. Midoglu, M. Hammou, A. Sharifi, L. Xing, M. Hasan, A. Storås, S. S. Sabet, S. Hicks, I. Strümke, M. Riegler, C. Griwodz and P. Halvorsen
Experiences and Lessons Learned from a Crowdsourced-Remote Hybrid User Survey Framework for Multimedia Evaluation
Encyclopedia with Semantic Computing and Robotic Intelligence
A. Chatterjee, A. Prinz, M. Riegler and J. Das
A systematic review and knowledge mapping on ICT-based remote and automatic COVID-19 patient monitoring and care
BMC Health Services Research
A. Chatterjee, A. Prinz, M. Riegler and Y. K. Meena
An automatic and personalized recommendation modelling in activity eCoaching with deep learning and ontology
Scientific Reports
A. Chatterjee, N. Pahari, A. Prinz and M. Riegler
AI and semantic ontology for personalized activity eCoaching in healthy lifestyle recommendations: a meta-heuristic approach
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
A. Storås, F. Fineide, M. S. Magnø, B. Thiede, X. Chen, I. Strümke, P. Halvorsen, H. Galtung, J. Jensen, T. P. Utheim and M. Riegler
Using machine learning model explanations to identify proteins related to severity of meibomian gland dysfunction
Scientific Reports
A. A. Outa, S. Hicks, V. Thambawita, S. Andresen, J. M. Enserink, P. Halvorsen, M. Riegler and H. Knævelsrud
CELLULAR, A Cell Autophagy Imaging Dataset
Scientific Data
H. B. Trine, O. Witczak, S. Hicks, L. Bjørndal, J. M. Andersen and M. Riegler
Sperm motility assessed by deep convolutional neural networks into WHO categories
Scientific Reports
A. Sharma, A. Z. Ansari, K. Radhika, M. Stensen, M. Riegler and H. L. Hammer
Predicting Cell Cleavage Timings from Time-Lapse Videos of Human Embryos
Big Data and Cognitive Computing
R. K. Røed, M. Powell, M. Riegler and G. A. Baugerud
A field assessment of child abuse investigators' engagement with a child-avatar to develop interviewing skills
Child Abuse & Neglect
S. Z. Hassan, S. S. Sabet, M. Riegler, G. A. Baugerud, H. Ko, P. Salehi, R. K. Røed, M. S. Johnson and P. Halvorsen
Enhancing investigative interview training using a child avatar system: a comparative study of interactive environments
Scientific Reports
M. A. Vu, T. Do, T. Nguyen, N. Phan, N. Chawla, P. Halvorsen, M. Riegler and B. T. Nguyen
Conditional expectation for missing data imputation
M. Q. Vo, T. Nguyen, M. Riegler and H. L. Hammer
Efficient Estimation of Generative Models using Tukey Depth
Proceedings, refereed
A. Reinke and M. Riegler
Metrics Reloaded
Neurips Medical 2023
T. S. Nordmo, A. B. Ovesen, H. Johansen, D. Johansen and M. Riegler
NjordVid: A Fishing Trawler Video Analytics Task
MediaEval’22: Multimedia Evaluation Workshop
S. M. M. Dorcheh, M. H. Sarkhoosh, C. Midoglu, S. S. Sabet, T. Kupka, M. Riegler, D. Johansen and P. Halvorsen
SmartCrop: AI-Based Cropping of Soccer Videos
25th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2023)
B. Ionescu, M. Riegler, P. Halvorsen, S. Hicks, V. Thambawita, A. Storås and e. al.
ImageCLEF 2023 Highlight: Multimedia Retrieval in Medical, Social Media and Content Recommendation Applications
Advances in Information Retrieval. ECIR 2023
G. Habault, M. Dao, M. Riegler, D. T. D. Nguyen, Y. Nakashima and C. Gurrin
ICDAR’23: Intelligent Cross-Data Analysis and Retrieval
ICMR '23: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval
T. S. Nordmo, M. Riegler, H. Johansen and D. Johansen
Arctic HARE: A Machine Learning-Based System for Performance Analysis of Cross-Country Skiers
MultiMedia Modeling. MMM 2023
D. Jha, V. Sharma, N. Dasu, N. K. Tomar, S. Hicks, M. K. Bhuyan, P. K. Das, M. Riegler, P. Halvorsen, U. Bagci and T. de Lange
GastroVision: A Multi-class Endoscopy Image Dataset for Computer Aided Gastrointestinal Disease Detection
Proc. of Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Healthcare Data (ML4MHD)
T. S. Nordmo, A. B. Ovesen, H. Johansen, P. Halvorsen, M. Riegler and D. Johansen
Fishing Trawler Event Detection: An Important Step Towards Digitization of Sustainable Fishing
2023 3rd International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence (ICAPAI)
T. S. Nordmo, M. M. Espeseth, B. A. Juliussen, M. Riegler and D. Johansen
Detection of Commercial Fishing-related Slipping Events using Multimodal Data
2022 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM)
B. Torpmann-Hagen, P. Halvorsen, M. Riegler and D. Johansen
Addressing Generalization Failure in Deep Detection Models for Fishing Trawler Video Analytics
MediaEval’22: Multimedia Evaluation Workshop
Book Chapters
A. S. Berg, S. Johansen, A. Lund, M. Riegler and J. M. Andersen
A Salutogenic Approach for Collaboration in Health and Technology
Health Promotion - Principles and Approaches
Public outreach
M. Riegler, M. Lepperød and L. Røstad
Norge som fanebærer for etikk i en uforutsigbar framtid
O. Lysne and M. Riegler
Vil Sam Altman ha tilgang til dataene våre?
D. Dang-Nguyen, S. Khan, C. Midoglu, M. Riegler, P. Halvorsen and M. Dao
Grand Challenge On Detecting Cheapfakes
Journal Articles
A. Chatterjee, N. Pahari, A. Prinz and M. Riegler
Machine learning and ontology in eCoaching for personalized activity level monitoring and recommendation generation
Scientific Reports, Nature