Øyvind Ytrehus
ProfessorResearch Director
- Department
- Department of Information Theory
- Organisation
- Simula UiB
- Research Interests
- Information Theory for Secure Communications, Coding theory, Cryptanalysis

- oyvindy@simula.no
Journal Articles
M. Bollauf, H. Lin and Ø. Ytrehus
Secrecy Gain of Formally Unimodular Lattices from Codes over the Integers Modulo 4
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Proceedings, refereed
G. T. Bastos, M. Bollauf, A. J. Ferrari and Ø. Ytrehus
Nested Construction of Z_{2^L}-Linear Codes
2024 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)
A. Melloni, M. Stam and Ø. Ytrehus
Dynamic Security Aspects of Onion Routing
IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding (IMACC 2023)
Journal Articles
M. Bollauf, H. Lin and Ø. Ytrehus
Formally Unimodular Packings for the Gaussian Wiretap Channel
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
D. A. Hayes, D. Ros and Ø. Ytrehus
Proxy Path Scheduling and Erasure Reconstruction for Low Delay mmWave Communication
IEEE Communications Letters
Proceedings, refereed
M. Bollauf, H. Lin and Ø. Ytrehus
Construction and Secrecy Gain of Formally Unimodular Lattices in Odd Dimensions
2023 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW)
P. R. Persson, M. Bollauf, H. Lin and Ø. Ytrehus
On the Secrecy Gain of Isodual Lattices from Tail-Biting Convolutional Codes
2023 12th International Symposium on Topics in Coding (ISTC)
Talks, keynote
Ø. Ytrehus
Post-Quantum Cryptography
NORDSEC, Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), Norway
Proceedings, refereed
M. Bollauf, H. Lin and Ø. Ytrehus
On the Secrecy Gain of Formally Unimodular Construction A4 Lattices
2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)
J. Algrøy, A. Barbero and Ø. Ytrehus
Determining the equivocation in coded transmission over a noisy channel
2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)
M. Bollauf, H. Lin and Ø. Ytrehus
The Secrecy Gain of Formally Unimodular Lattices on the Gaussian Wiretap Channel
International Zurich Seminar on Information and Communication
A. Melloni, M. Stam and Ø. Ytrehus
On Evaluating Anonymity of Onion Routing
Selected Areas in Cryptography (28th International Conference, Virtual Event, September 29 – October 1, 2021, Revised Selected Papers)
Talks, invited
Ø. Ytrehus, M. Øygarden and H. Heum
Kvantedatamaskinen – fra hype til virkelighet
Talks, contributed
M. Øygarden, H. Heum and Ø. Ytrehus
Kvantedatamaskinen – fra hype til virkelighet
Proceedings, refereed
M. Bollauf and Ø. Ytrehus
Tiling of Constellations
2021 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)
Journal Articles
B. Greve, Ø. Ytrehus, H. Raddum and G. Fløystad
Solving non-linear Boolean equation systems by variable elimination
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing
I. E. Bocharova, B. D. Kudryashov, V. Skachek, E. Rosnes and Ø. Ytrehus
LDPC codes over the BEC: Bounds and decoding algorithms
IEEE Transactions on Communications
Journal Articles
A. Barbero and Ø. Ytrehus
Rate $(n-1)/n$ Systematic Memory Maximum Distance Separable Convolutional Codes
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Journal Articles
O. Lysne, K. J. Hole, C. Otterstad, Ø. Ytrehus, R. Aarseth and J. Tellnes
Vendor malware: detection limits and mitigation
IEEE Computer
Proceedings, refereed
I. E. Bocharova, B. D. Kudryashov, E. Rosnes, V. Skachek and Ø. Ytrehus
Wrap-around sliding-window near-ML decoding of binary LDPC codes over the BEC
2016 9th International Symposium on Turbo Codes and Iterative Information Processing (ISTC 2016)
Proceedings, refereed
Á. Barbero and Ø. Ytrehus
A Coding-based Approach to Robust Shortest-path Routing
4th International Castle Meeting on Coding Theory and its Applications (4ICMCTA)
Talks, contributed
Á. Barbero and Ø. Ytrehus
Network coding for cyclic networks
Mathematical Coding Theory in Multimedia Streaming (15w5150), BIRS, Banff, Canada
Á. Barbero and Ø. Ytrehus
Message merging for routing
Recent Advances in Practical Network Coding and Distributed Storage
Journal Articles
Á. Barbero, E. Rosnes, G. Yang and Ø. Ytrehus
Near-field passive RFID communication: Channel model and code design
IEEE Transactions on Communications
Talks, invited
Ø. Ytrehus
The entropy of network topology
COST IC 1104 meeting, Palmela, Portugal, September 17
Á. Barbero and Ø. Ytrehus
Information exchange for routing protocols
Information Theory and its Applications (ITA)
Á. Barbero and Ø. Ytrehus
From butterflies to moths: the dark side of wireless network coding
COST IC 1104 meeting, Palmela, Portugal, September 17
Ø. Ytrehus
Coding for Multipath TCP: Opportunities and Challenges
Proceedings of the 2nd International NorNet Users Workshop (NNUW-2)
Proceedings, refereed
T. Helleseth and Ø. Ytrehus
Personnummerering i Norge: Litt anvendt kodeteori og økonomi
Norsk Informatikk-Konferanse (NIK)