Steven Hicks
Research Scientist
- Department
- Holistic Systems
- Organisation
- Simula Metropolitan
- Research Interests
- Deep Learning Medical Multimedia Explainable AI Computer Vision
Journal Articles
S. Hicks, A. Storås, M. Riegler, C. Midoglu, M. Hammou, T. de Lange, S. Parasa, P. Halvorsen and I. Strümke
Visual explanations for polyp detection: How medical doctors assess intrinsic versus extrinsic explanations
G. A. Baugerud, M. S. Johnson, R. Dianiska, R. K. Røed, M. Powell, M. E. Lamb, S. Z. Hassan, S. S. Sabet, S. Hicks, P. Salehi, M. Riegler, P. Halvorsen and J. Quas
Using an AI-based avatar for interviewer training at Children’s Advocacy Centers: Proof of Concept
Child Maltreatment
C. Midoglu, A. K. Winther, M. Boeker, S. D. Pettersen, S. Pedersen, N. Ragab, T. Kupka, S. Hicks, M. B. Randers, R. Jain, H. J. Dagenborg, S. Pettersen, D. Johansen, M. Riegler and P. Halvorsen
A large-scale multivariate soccer athlete health, performance, and position monitoring dataset
Scientific Data (Sci Data)
H. Svennevik, S. Hicks, M. Riegler, T. Storelvmo and H. L. Hammer
A dataset for predicting cloud cover over Europe
Scientific Data
S. Ali, N. Ghatwary, D. Jha, E. Isik-Polat, G. Polat, C. Yang, W. Li, A. Galdran, M. G. Ballester, V. Thambawita, S. Hicks, S. Poudel, S. Lee, Z. Jin, T. Gan, C. Yu, J. Yan, D. Yeo, H. Lee, N. KumarTomar, M. Haithami, A. Ahmed, M. Riegler, C. Daul, P. Halvorsen, J. Rittscher, O. E. Salem, D. Lamarque, R. Cannizzaro, S. Realdon, T. de Lange and J. E. East
Assessing generalisability of deep learning-based polyp detection and segmentation methods through a computer vision challenge
Scientific Reports
Proceedings, refereed
T. Do, M. A. Vu, H. T. Ly, T. Nguyen, S. Hicks, M. Riegler, P. Halvorsen and B. T. Nguyen
Blockwise Principal Component Analysis for monotone missing data imputation and dimensionality reduction
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
Journal Articles
C. Midoglu, M. Hammou, A. Sharifi, L. Xing, M. Hasan, A. Storås, S. S. Sabet, S. Hicks, I. Strümke, M. Riegler, C. Griwodz and P. Halvorsen
Experiences and Lessons Learned from a Crowdsourced-Remote Hybrid User Survey Framework for Multimedia Evaluation
Encyclopedia with Semantic Computing and Robotic Intelligence
A. A. Outa, S. Hicks, V. Thambawita, S. Andresen, J. M. Enserink, P. Halvorsen, M. Riegler and H. Knævelsrud
CELLULAR, A Cell Autophagy Imaging Dataset
Scientific Data
H. B. Trine, O. Witczak, S. Hicks, L. Bjørndal, J. M. Andersen and M. Riegler
Sperm motility assessed by deep convolutional neural networks into WHO categories
Scientific Reports
V. Thambawita, S. Hicks, A. Storås, T. Nguyen, J. M. Andersen, O. Witczak, T. B. Haugen, H. L. Hammer, P. Halvorsen and M. Riegler
VISEM-Tracking, a human spermatozoa tracking dataset
Scientific Data
A. Storås, O. E. Andersen, S. Lockhart, R. Thielemann, F. Gnesin, V. Thambawita, S. Hicks, J. Kanters, I. Strümke, P. Halvorsen and M. Riegler
Usefulness of Heat Map Explanations for Deep-Learning-Based Electrocardiogram Analysis
Proceedings, refereed
B. Ionescu, M. Riegler, P. Halvorsen, S. Hicks, V. Thambawita, A. Storås and e. al.
ImageCLEF 2023 Highlight: Multimedia Retrieval in Medical, Social Media and Content Recommendation Applications
Advances in Information Retrieval. ECIR 2023
D. Jha, V. Sharma, N. Dasu, N. K. Tomar, S. Hicks, M. K. Bhuyan, P. K. Das, M. Riegler, P. Halvorsen, U. Bagci and T. de Lange
GastroVision: A Multi-class Endoscopy Image Dataset for Computer Aided Gastrointestinal Disease Detection
Proc. of Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Healthcare Data (ML4MHD)
A. K. Pishva, V. Thambawita, J. Torresen and S. Hicks
RePolyp: A Framework for Generating Realistic Colon Polyps with Corresponding Segmentation Masks using Diffusion Models
2023 IEEE 36th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS)
V. Thambawita, A. Storås, S. Hicks, P. Halvorsen and M. Riegler
MLC at HECKTOR 2022: The Effect and Importance of Training Data When Analyzing Cases of Head and Neck Tumors Using Machine Learning
Head and Neck Tumor Segmentation and Outcome Prediction. HECKTOR 2022
T. Nguyen, A. Storås, V. Thambawita, S. Hicks, P. Halvorsen and M. Riegler
Multimedia datasets: challenges and future possibilities
MultiMedia Modeling. MMM 2023
M. Riegler, V. Thambawita, A. Chatterjee, T. Nguyen, S. Hicks, V. Telle-Hansen, S. A. Pettersen, D. Johansen, R. Jain and P. Halvorsen
ScopeSense: An 8.5-Month Sport, Nutrition, and Lifestyle Lifelogging Dataset
International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM)
Journal Articles
P. Salehi, S. Z. Hassan, M. Lammerse, S. S. Sabet, I. Riiser, R. K. Røed, M. S. Johnson, V. Thambawita, S. Hicks, M. Powell, M. E. Lamb, G. A. Baugerud, P. Halvorsen and M. Riegler
Synthesizing a Talking Child Avatar to Train Interviewers Working with Maltreated Children
Big Data and Cognitive Computing
V. Thambawita, S. Hicks, A. Storås, O. Witczak, J. M. Andersen, H. L. Hammer, P. Halvorsen, M. Riegler and H. B. Trine
Real-time deep learning based multi object tracking of spermatozoa in fresh samples
Human Reproduction
S. Hicks, V. Thambawita, A. Storås, T. B. Haugen, H. L. Hammer, P. Halvorsen, M. Riegler and M. H. Stensen
Automatic Tracking of the ICSI procedure using Deep Learning
Human Reproduction
S. Hicks, I. Strümke, V. Thambawita, M. Hammou, M. Riegler, P. Halvorsen and S. Parasa
On evaluation metrics for medical applications of artificial intelligence
Scientific Reports
V. Thambawita, P. Salehi, S. A. Sheshkal, S. Hicks, H. L. Hammer, S. Parasa, T. de Lange, P. Halvorsen and M. Riegler
SinGAN-Seg: Synthetic training data generation for medical image segmentation
R. Khadka, D. Jha, S. Hicks, V. Thambawita, M. Riegler, S. Ali and P. Halvorsen
Meta-learning with implicit gradients in a few-shot setting for medical image segmentation
Computers in Biology and Medicine
S. Z. Hassan, K. Ahmad, S. Hicks, P. Halvorsen, A. Al-Fuqaha, N. Conci and M. Riegler
Visual Sentiment Analysis from Disaster Images in Social Media
Proceedings, refereed
V. Thambawita, S. Hicks, A. Storås, J. M. Andersen, O. Witczak, T. B. Haugen, H. L. Hammer, T. Nguyen, P. Halvorsen and M. Riegler
Medico Multimedia Task at MediaEval 2022: Transparent Tracking of Spermatozoa
MediaEval 2022
C. Midoglu, A. Storås, S. S. Sabet, M. Hammou, S. Hicks, I. Strümke, M. Riegler, C. Griwodz and P. Halvorsen
Experiences and Lessons Learned from a Crowdsourced-Remote Hybrid User Survey Framework
2022 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM)
T. S. Nordmo, A. B. Ovesen, B. A. Juliussen, S. Hicks, V. Thambawita, H. D. Johansen, P. Halvorsen, M. Riegler and D. Johansen
Njord: a fishing trawler dataset
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSYS)
F. Jacobsen, S. Hicks, P. Halvorsen and M. Riegler
Estimating Predictive Uncertainty in Gastrointestinal Polyp Segmentation
2022 IEEE 35th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS)
A. Storås, M. Riegler, T. B. Haugen, V. Thambawita, S. Hicks, H. L. Hammer, R. Kakulavarapu, P. Halvorsen and M. Stensen
Automatic Unsupervised Clustering of Videos of the Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Procedure
NAIS: Symposium of the Norwegian AI Society
M. Hammou, C. Midoglu, S. Hicks, A. Storås, S. S. Sabet, I. Strümke, M. Riegler and P. Halvorsen
Huldra: A Framework for Collecting Crowdsourced Feedback on Multimedia Assets
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys '22)
A. Husa, C. Midoglu, M. Hammou, S. Hicks, D. Johansen, T. Kupka, M. Riegler and P. Halvorsen
Automatic Thumbnail Selection for Soccer Videos using Machine Learning
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys '22)
A. H. M. Ahmed, M. Riegler, S. Hicks and A. Elmokashfi
RCAD:Real-time Collaborative Anomaly Detection System for Mobile Broadband Networks
ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Book Chapters
V. Thambawita, S. Hicks, E. Jaouen, P. Halvorsen and M. Riegler
Smittestopp analytics: Analysis of position data
Smittestopp − A Case Study on Digital Contact Tracing
PhD Thesis
S. Hicks
Transparency in Medical Artificial Intelligence
Oslo Metropolitan University
S. Hicks, A. Storås, M. Riegler, C. Midoglu, M. Hammou, T. de Lange, S. Parasa, P. Halvorsen and I. Strümke
Visual explanations for polyp detection: How medical doctors assess intrinsic versus extrinsic explanations
C. Midoglu, S. Hicks, V. Thambawita, T. Kupka and P. Halvorsen
MMSys'22 Grand Challenge on AI-based Video Production for Soccer
Journal Articles
A. H. M. Ahmed
Predicting High Delays in Mobile Broadband Networks
IEEE Access
J. K. Kanters, S. Hicks, J. L. Isaksen, N. Grarup, N. H. Rathlou, J. Ghouse, G. Ahlberg, M. S. Olesen, A. Linneberg, C. Ellervik, P. Halvorsen and M. Riegler
Deep learning neural network can measure ECG intervals and amplitudes accurately
Journal of Electrocardiology
J. O. Valand, H. Kadragic, S. Hicks, V. Thambawita, C. Midoglu, T. Kupka, D. Johansen, M. Riegler and P. Halvorsen
AI-Based Video Clipping of Soccer Events
Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction
O. A. N. Rongved, M. Stige, S. Hicks, V. Thambawita, C. Midoglu, E. Zouganeli, D. Johansen, M. Riegler and P. Halvorsen
Automated Event Detection and Classification in Soccer: The Potential of Using Multiple Modalities
Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction
V. Thambawita, J. L. Isaksen, S. Hicks, J. Ghouse, G. Ahlberg, A. Linneberg, N. Grarup, C. Ellervik, M. S. Olesen, T. Hansen, C. Graff, N. Holstein-Rathlou, I. Strümke, H. L. Hammer, M. Maleckar, P. Halvorsen, M. Riegler and J. K. Kanters
DeepFake electrocardiograms: the key for open science for artificial intelligence in medicine
Scientific Reports
M. Riegler, M. H. Stensen, O. Witczak, J. M. Andersen, S. Hicks, H. L. Hammer, E. Delbarre, P. Halvorsen, A. Yazidi, N. Holst and T. B. Haugen
Artificial intelligence in the fertility clinic: status, pitfalls and possibilities
Human Reproduction
Proceedings, refereed
S. Z. Hassan, K. Ahmad, M. Riegler, S. Hicks, N. Conci, P. Halvorsen and A. Al-Fuqaha
Visual Sentiment Analysis: A Natural Disaster Use-case Task at MediaEval 2021
MediaEval 2021
N. P. P. TzavaraTzavara and B. Singstad
Transfer Learning in Polyp and Endoscopic Tool Segmentation from Colonoscopy Images
Nordic Machine Intelligence
S. Hicks, D. Jha, V. Thambawita, H. L. Hammer, T. de Lange, S. Parasa, M. Riegler and P. Halvorsen
Medico Multimedia Task at MediaEval 2021: Transparency in Medical Image Segmentation
Mediaeval Medico 2021
J. Valand, H. Kadragic, S. Hicks, V. Thambawita, C. Midoglu, T. Kupka, D. Johansen, M. Riegler and P. Halvorsen
Automated Clipping of Soccer Events using Machine Learning
IEEE International Symphosium of Multimedia (ISM)
H. T. Shen, Y. Zhuang, J. R. Smith, Y. Yang, P. Cesar, F. Metze, B. Prabhakaran, J. Korhonen, Y. Su, J. You, S. Hicks and C. Midoglu
Reproducibility Companion Paper: Blind Natural Video Quality Prediction via Statistical Temporal Features and Deep Spatial Features
Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM '21)
S. Hicks, A. Stautland, O. B. Fasmer, W. Frøland, H. L. Hammer, P. Halvorsen, K. Mjeldheim, K. J. Oedegaard, B. Osnes, V. E. G. Syrstad, M. Riegler and P. Jakobsen
HYPERAKTIV: An Activity Dataset from Patients with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Proceedings of the 12th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys '21)
H. T. Shen, Y. Zhuang, J. R. Smith, Y. Yang, P. Cesar, F. Metze, B. Prabhakaran, L. Tao, X. Wang, T. Yamasaki, J. Chen and S. Hicks
Reproducibility Companion Paper: Self-supervised Video Representation Learning Using Inter-intra Contrastive Framework
Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM '21)
Proceedings, refereed
D. Jha, S. Ali, K. Emanuelsen, S. Hicks, V. Thambawita, E. Garcia-Ceja, M. Riegler, T. de Lange, P. T. Schmidt, H. D. Johansen, D. Johansen and P. Halvorsen
Kvasir-instrument: Diagnostic and therapeutic tool segmentation dataset in gastrointestinal endoscopy
International Conference on Multimedia Modeling