Sven-Arne Reinemo
Research Director
- Department
- Administration and Management
- Organisation
- Simula Metropolitan
- Research Interests
- Interconnection networks Network management Routing algorithms Cloud computing
Journal Articles
A. Thune, S. Reinemo, T. Skeie and X. Cai
Detailed Modeling of Heterogeneous and Contention-Constrained Point-to-Point MPI Communication
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
Proceedings, refereed
J. Rocher-Gonzalez, E. G. Gran, S. Reinemo, T. Skeie, J. Escudero-Sahuquillo, P. J. García and F. J. Quiles
Adaptive Routing in InfiniBand Hardware
The 22nd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing
Book Chapters
C. Midoglu, B. Ragan-Kelley, S. Reinemo, J. Jahren and P. Halvorsen
Smittestopp Backend
Smittestopp − A Case Study on Digital Contact Tracing
Journal Articles
A. Elmokashfi, J. Sundnes, A. Kvalbein, V. Naumova, S. Reinemo, P. M. Florvaag, H. K. Stensland and O. Lysne
Nationwide rollout reveals efficacy of epidemic control through digital contact tracing
Nature Communications
J. Camacho, T. Skeie and S. Reinemo
System and method of computing ethernet routing paths
US Patent
J. Camacho, T. Skeie and S. Reinemo
Method of computing balanced routing paths in fat-trees
Us Patent
Journal Articles
W. L. Guay
Early experiences with live migration of SR-IOV enabled InfiniBand
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
Journal Articles
J. Escudero-Sahuquillo, P. J. García, F. J. Quiles, S. Reinemo, T. Skeie, O. Lysne and J. Duato
A New Proposal to Deal With Congestion in InfiniBand-Based Fat-Trees
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
Proceedings, refereed
B. Bogdanski, S. Reinemo and B. D. Johnsen
Multi-Homed Fat-Tree Routing With InfiniBand
22nd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing
W. L. Guay, B. D. Johnsen, D. Brean and S. Reinemo
System and method for signaling dynamic reconfiguration events in a middleware machine environment
Proceedings, refereed
B. Bogdanski, B. D. Johnsen, S. Reinemo and J. Flich
Making the Network Scalable: Inter-Subnet Routing in InfiniBand
Proceedings from the 19th International Euro-Par Conference on Parallel Processing
Talks, contributed
E. Tasoulas, W. L. Guay, S. Reinemo, B. D. Johnsen, C. Yen, T. Skeie, O. Lysne and O. Torudbakken
Prototyping Live Migration With SR-IOV Supported InfiniBand HCAs
HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference
Journal Articles
B. Bogdanski, S. Reinemo, F. O. Sem-Jacobsen and E. G. Gran
SFtree: a Fully Connected and Deadlock Free Switch-to-Switch Routing Algorithm for Fat-Trees
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization
Proceedings, refereed
B. Bogdanski, B. D. Johnsen, S. Reinemo and F. O. Sem-Jacobsen
Discovery and Routing of Degraded Fat-Trees
2012 13th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies
W. L. Guay, S. Reinemo, B. D. Johnsen, T. Skeie and O. Torudbakken
A Scalable Signalling Mechanism for VM Migration With SR-IOV Over InfiniBand
18th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS)
E. G. Gran, S. Reinemo, O. Lysne, T. Skeie, E. Zahavi and G. Shainer
Exploring the Scope of the InfiniBand Congestion Control Mechanism
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing (IPDPS)
Talks, contributed
S. Reinemo, F. O. Sem-Jacobsen and T. Skeie
Fat-Trees and Dragonflies - a Perspective on Topologies
Contributed talk at the HPC Advisory Council Switzerland Workshop, Lugano, Switzerland.
W. L. Guay, B. D. Johnsen, O. Torudbakken, C. Yen, S. Reinemo and R. Frank
Prototyping Live Migration With SR-IOV Supported InfiniBand
Contributed talk at the 2012 OpenFabrics International Workshop, Monterey, USA
Proceedings, refereed
W. L. Guay, S. Reinemo, O. Lysne and T. Skeie
DFtree - a Fat-Tree Routing Algorithm Using Dynamic Allocation of Virtual Lanes to Alleviate Congestion in InfiniBand Networks
The Network-Aware Data Management Workshop to be held in conjunction with the IEEE/ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC'11)
W. L. Guay, B. Bogdanski, S. Reinemo, O. Lysne and T. Skeie
VFtree - a Fat-Tree Routing Algorithm Using Virtual Lanes to Alleviate Congestion
Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium
W. L. Guay and S. Reinemo
A Scalable Method for Signalling Dynamic Reconfiguration Events With OpenSM
11th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2011)
E. G. Gran, E. Zahavi, S. Reinemo, T. Skeie, G. Shainer and O. Lysne
On the Relation Between Congestion Control, Switch Arbitration and Fairness
11th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2011)
E. G. Gran and S. Reinemo
InfiniBand Congestion Control, Modelling and Validation
4th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools2011, OMNeT++ 2011 Workshop)
Talks, contributed
S. Reinemo, W. L. Guay, B. Bogdanski, O. Lysne and T. Skeie
VFtree - a Fat-Tree Routing Algorithm Using Virtual Lanes to Alleviate Congestion
Invited talk at the HPC Advisory Council Switzerland Workshop 2011, Lugano, Switzerland.
S. Reinemo, E. G. Gran, T. Skeie and O. Lysne
InfiniBand Congestion Control
Contributed talk at the 2011 OpenFabrics International Workshop, Monterey, USA
Journal Articles
S. Reinemo, T. Skeie and M. K. Wadekar
Ethernet for High Performance Data Centers - on the New IEEE Data Center Bridging Standards
IEEE Micro
Proceedings, refereed
W. L. Guay, S. Reinemo, O. Lysne, T. Skeie, B. D. Johnsen and L. Holen
Host Side Dynamic Reconfiguration With InfiniBand
2010 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing
B. Bogdanski, F. O. Sem-Jacobsen, S. Reinemo, T. Skeie, L. Holen and L. P. Huse
Achieving Predictable High Performance in Imbalanced Fat Trees
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems
E. G. Gran, M. Eimot, S. Reinemo, T. Skeie, O. Lysne, L. P. Huse and G. Shainer
First Experiences With Congestion Control in InfiniBand Hardware
2010 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing (IPDPS)
Talks, contributed
S. Reinemo, E. G. Gran, M. Eimot, T. Skeie, O. Lysne, L. P. Huse and G. Shainer
First Experiences With Congestion Control in InfiniBand Hardware
Invited talk at the HPC Advisory Council Switzerland Workshop 2010
W. L. Guay, B. Bogdanski, S. Reinemo and O. Lysne
VFtree- Fat Tree Routing With Virtual Lanes in InfiniBand
Poster, HiPEAC ACACES, Barcelona, Spain
Proceedings, refereed
Å. G. Solheim, O. Lysne, T. Skeie, T. Sødring and S. Reinemo
A Framework for Routing and Resource Allocation in Network Virtualization
International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC'09)
Book Chapters
O. Lysne, T. Skeie, S. Reinemo, F. O. Sem-Jacobsen and N. A. Nordbotten
Scalable Interconnection Networks
Simula Research Laboratory - by thinking constantly about it
Journal Articles
O. Lysne, S. Reinemo, T. Skeie, Å. G. Solheim, T. Sødring, L. P. Huse and B. D. Johnsen
The Interconnection Network - Architectural Challenges for Utility Computing Data Centres
IEEE Computer Magazine
Proceedings, refereed
T. Sødring, Å. G. Solheim, T. Skeie and S. Reinemo
An Analysis of Connectivity and Yield for 2D Mesh Based NoC With Interconnect Router Failures
11th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)
E. G. Gran and S. Reinemo
Dragon Kill Points: Loot Distribution in Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games
Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Network and system support for games (NetGames 2008)
Proceedings, refereed
S. Reinemo, T. Skeie, A. Mejía, J. Flich and J. Duato
Boosting Ethernet Performance by Segment-Based Routing
Proceedings of the 15th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP 2007)
S. Reinemo and T. Skeie
Effective Shortest Path Routing for Gigabit Ethernet
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications 2007
PhD Thesis
S. Reinemo
Quality of Service in Interconnection Networks
Technical reports
O. Lysne, S. Reinemo, T. Skeie, Å. G. Solheim, T. Sødring, L. P. Huse and B. D. Johnsen
The Interconnection Network - Architectural Challenges for Utility Computing Data Centres
Journal Articles
S. Reinemo, T. Skeie, T. Sødring, O. Lysne and O. Tørudbakken
An Overview of QoS Capabilities in InfiniBand, Advanced Switching Interconnect, and Ethernet
IEEE Communications Magazine
O. Lysne, T. Skeie, S. Reinemo and I. T. Theiss
Layered Routing in Irregular Networks
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
Proceedings, refereed
A. Mejía, J. Flich, J. Duato, S. Reinemo and T. Skeie
Segment-Based Routing: an Efficient Fault-Tolerant Routing Algorithm for Meshes and Tori
20th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium
Talks, contributed
O. Lysne, S. Reinemo, T. Skeie, Å. G. Solheim and T. Sødring
The Realization of Virtual Compute Resources in a Utility Computing Data Center (UCDC) in the Many Core Era
2006 Workshop on On- and Off-Chip Interconnection Networks for Multicore Systems
Proceedings, refereed
S. Reinemo and T. Skeie
Ethernet As a Lossless Deadlock Free System Area Network
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications, Nanjing, China May 2-5
Proceedings, refereed
F. O. Sem-Jacobsen, S. Reinemo, T. Skeie and O. Lysne
Achieving Flow Level QoS in Cut-Through Networks Through Admission Control and DiffServ
Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA)
Proceedings, refereed
S. Reinemo, F. O. Sem-Jacobsen, T. Skeie and O. Lysne
Admission Control for DiffServ Based Quality of Service in Cut-Through Networks
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC 2003)
S. Reinemo, T. Skeie and O. Lysne
Applying the DiffServ Model on Cut-Through Networks
Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA2003)
Proceedings, refereed
S. Reinemo, B. Dobinson, S. Haas, O. Lysne, B. Martin and T. Skeie
Topologies and Routing in Gigabit Switching Fabrics
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Communications in Computing (CIC2001)