Tor Skeie
ProfessorAdjunct Chief Research Scientist
- Department
- High Performance Computing
- Organisation
- Simula Research Laboratory

Journal Articles
E. H. Sæternes, A. Thune, A. B. Rustad, T. Skeie and X. Cai
Automated parameter tuning with accuracy control for efficient reservoir simulations
Journal of Computational Science
Journal Articles
A. Thune, S. Reinemo, T. Skeie and X. Cai
Detailed Modeling of Heterogeneous and Contention-Constrained Point-to-Point MPI Communication
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
Proceedings, refereed
J. Rocher-Gonzalez, E. G. Gran, S. Reinemo, T. Skeie, J. Escudero-Sahuquillo, P. J. García and F. J. Quiles
Adaptive Routing in InfiniBand Hardware
The 22nd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing
J. Camacho, T. Skeie and S. Reinemo
System and method of computing ethernet routing paths
US Patent
J. Camacho, T. Skeie and S. Reinemo
Method of computing balanced routing paths in fat-trees
Us Patent
Journal Articles
F. Zahid, A. Taherkordi, E. G. Gran, T. Skeie and B. D. Johnsen
A Self-Adaptive Network for HPC Clouds: Architecture, Framework, and Implementation
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
E. Tasoulas, F. Zahid, E. G. Gran, K. Begnum, B. D. Johnsen and T. Skeie
Efficient Routing and Reconfiguration in Virtualized HPC Environments with vSwitch-enabled Lossless Networks
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
Journal Articles
N. Abbas, Y. Zhang, A. Taherkordi and T. Skeie
Mobile Edge Computing: A Survey
IEEE Internet of Things Journal
R. Peñaranda, M. E. Gómez, P. Lopez, E. G. Gran and T. Skeie
A Fault-Tolerant Routing Strategy for KNS Topologies Based on Intermediate Nodes
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
Journal Articles
F. Zahid, E. G. Gran, B. Bogdanski, B. D. Johnsen, T. Skeie and E. Tasoulas
Compact Network Reconfiguration in Fat-Trees
The Journal of Supercomputing
F. Zahid, E. G. Gran, B. Bogdanski, B. D. Johnsen and T. Skeie
Efficient Network Isolation and Load Balancing in Multi-Tenant HPC Clusters
Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems
Proceedings, refereed
F. Zahid, E. G. Gran and T. Skeie
Realizing a Self-Adaptive Network Architecture for HPC Clouds
The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC '16) Doctoral Showcase
E. Tasoulas, E. G. Gran, T. Skeie and B. D. Johnsen
Fast Hybrid Network Reconfiguration for Large-Scale Lossless Interconnection Networks
15th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA 2016)
R. Peñaranda, E. G. Gran, T. Skeie, M. E. Gómez and P. Lopez
A New Fault-Tolerant Routing Methodology for KNS Topologies
2nd IEEE International Workshop on High-Performance Interconnection Networks in the Exascale and Big-Data Era (HiPINEB)
Talks, invited
T. Skeie, E. Tasoulas, F. Zahid, E. G. Gran and J. Camacho
About Management of Exascale Systems
ExaComm 2016, Frankfurt
Journal Articles
W. L. Guay
Early experiences with live migration of SR-IOV enabled InfiniBand
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
J. Escudero-Sahuquillo, E. G. Gran, P. J. Garcia, J. Flich, T. Skeie, O. Lysne, F. J. Quiles and J. Duato
Efficient and Cost-Effective Hybrid Congestion Control for HPC Interconnection Networks
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
Proceedings, refereed
F. Zahid, E. G. Gran, B. Bogdanski, B. D. Johnsen and T. Skeie
SlimUpdate: Minimal Routing Update for Performance-based Reconfigurations in Fat-Trees
1st IEEE International Workshop on High-Performance Interconnection Networks Towards the Exascale and Big-Data Era (HiPINEB 2015)
E. Tasoulas
Towards the InfiniBand SR-IOV vSwitch Architecture
IEEE Cluster 2015
E. Tasoulas
A Novel Query Caching Scheme for Dynamic InfiniBand Subnets
15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid)
Public outreach
F. Zahid, E. G. Gran and T. Skeie
A Self-adaptive network architecture for InfiniBand based HPC clouds
Talk at 7th Cloud Control Workshop
Journal Articles
J. Escudero-Sahuquillo, P. J. García, F. J. Quiles, S. Reinemo, T. Skeie, O. Lysne and J. Duato
A New Proposal to Deal With Congestion in InfiniBand-Based Fat-Trees
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
Book Chapters
G. Prytz, P. C. Juel, R. Hussain and T. Skeie
Switched Ethernet in Automation
Industrial Communication Technology Handbook
Talks, invited
T. Skeie and E. G. Gran
Efficient and Robust Architecture for Big Data Cloud
Hemavan, Sweden
Talks, contributed
E. Tasoulas, W. L. Guay, S. Reinemo, B. D. Johnsen, C. Yen, T. Skeie, O. Lysne and O. Torudbakken
Prototyping Live Migration With SR-IOV Supported InfiniBand HCAs
HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference
Journal Articles
J. Flich, T. Skeie, A. Mejía, O. Lysne, P. Lopez, A. Robles, J. Duato, M. Koibuchi, T. Rokicki and J. Sancho
A Survey and Evaluation of Topology Agnostic Routing Algorithms
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
Talks, contributed
S. Reinemo, F. O. Sem-Jacobsen and T. Skeie
Fat-Trees and Dragonflies - a Perspective on Topologies
Contributed talk at the HPC Advisory Council Switzerland Workshop, Lugano, Switzerland.
Journal Articles
F. O. Sem-Jacobsen, T. Skeie, O. Lysne and J. Duato
Dynamic Fault Tolerance in Fat-Trees
IEEE Transactions on Computers
Technical reports
F. O. Sem-Jacobsen, S. R. Mocholi, A. Strano, T. Skeie, D. Bertozzi and F. Gilabert
Appendix to Enabling Power Efficiency Through Dynamic Rerouting On-Chip
Talks, contributed
S. Reinemo, W. L. Guay, B. Bogdanski, O. Lysne and T. Skeie
VFtree - a Fat-Tree Routing Algorithm Using Virtual Lanes to Alleviate Congestion
Invited talk at the HPC Advisory Council Switzerland Workshop 2011, Lugano, Switzerland.
S. Reinemo, E. G. Gran, T. Skeie and O. Lysne
InfiniBand Congestion Control
Contributed talk at the 2011 OpenFabrics International Workshop, Monterey, USA
Journal Articles
S. Reinemo, T. Skeie and M. K. Wadekar
Ethernet for High Performance Data Centers - on the New IEEE Data Center Bridging Standards
IEEE Micro
Talks, contributed
S. Reinemo, E. G. Gran, M. Eimot, T. Skeie, O. Lysne, L. P. Huse and G. Shainer
First Experiences With Congestion Control in InfiniBand Hardware
Invited talk at the HPC Advisory Council Switzerland Workshop 2010
Book Chapters
R. Casado, A. Bermúdez, A. Robles-Gomez, O. Lysne, T. Skeie, Å. G. Solheim and T. Sødring
Network Reconfiguration in High-Performance Interconnection Networks
Autonomic Computing and Networking
O. Lysne, T. Skeie, S. Reinemo, F. O. Sem-Jacobsen and N. A. Nordbotten
Scalable Interconnection Networks
Simula Research Laboratory - by thinking constantly about it
Technical reports
F. O. Sem-Jacobsen, T. Skeie, O. Lysne and J. Duato
Dynamic Fault Tolerance in Fat-Trees - Research Note
Journal Articles
O. Lysne, S. Reinemo, T. Skeie, Å. G. Solheim, T. Sødring, L. P. Huse and B. D. Johnsen
The Interconnection Network - Architectural Challenges for Utility Computing Data Centres
IEEE Computer Magazine
O. Lysne, J. M. Montanana, J. Flich, J. Duato, T. M. Pinkston and T. Skeie
An Efficient and Deadlock-Free Network Reconfiguration Protocol
IEEE Transactions on Computers
A. R. Gómez, A. Bermúdez, R. Casado, F. J. Quiles, T. Skeie and J. Duato
A Proposal for Managing ASI Fabrics
Journal of Systems Architecture
J. Flich, S. R. Mocholi, J. Duato, T. Sødring, Å. G. Solheim, T. Skeie and O. Lysne
On the Potential of NoC Virtualization for Multicore Chips
Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience
Technical reports
O. Lysne, S. Reinemo, T. Skeie, Å. G. Solheim, T. Sødring, L. P. Huse and B. D. Johnsen
The Interconnection Network - Architectural Challenges for Utility Computing Data Centres
Talks, contributed
O. Lysne, S. Reinemo, T. Skeie, Å. G. Solheim and T. Sødring
The Realization of Virtual Compute Resources in a Utility Computing Data Center (UCDC) in the Many Core Era
2006 Workshop on On- and Off-Chip Interconnection Networks for Multicore Systems
Ø. Holmeide and T. Skeie
Zeitsynchronisierung Im Indudusrtial Ethernet
etz - Elektrotechnik und Automation, VDE Verlag GMBH, Heft 8/2006
Book Chapters
T. Skeie, S. Johannessen and Ø. Holmeide
Switched Ethernet in Automation Networking
The Handbook on Information Technology in Industrial Automation
Talks, contributed
O. Lysne, T. Skeie, I. Theiss, B. D. Johnsen, E. Rognved and O. Tørudbakken
The Interconnection Network: Architectural Challenges for Datacenters in the Computational GRID
Presented at the eVITA Workshop
Talks, contributed
T. Skeie, S. Johannessen and Ø. Holmeide
Introducing End-to-End Priority Across Switched Ethernet
Industrial Ethernet Book (IEB), 14:10-16
Talks, contributed
Ø. Holmeide and T. Skeie
Switched Synchronization
Industrial Ethernet Book (IEB), 7:24-27
Ø. Holmeide and T. Skeie
VoIP Drives the Realtime Ethernet
Industrial Ethernet Book (IEB), 5
PhD Thesis
T. Skeie
Topics in Interconnect Networking
Technical reports
O. Lysne and T. Skeie
Adapting to Faults in Deterministic Wormhole Networks