Verification of cardiac mechanics software: benchmark problems and solutions for testing active and passive material behaviour

Verification of cardiac mechanics software: benchmark problems and solutions for testing active and passive material behaviour

S. Land, S. Arens, C. M. Augustin, L. Baron, S. Castro, A. Crozier, M. Favino, T. E. Fastl, T. Fritz, H. Gao, A. Gizzi, B. E. Griffith, D. E. Hurtado, R. Krause, X. Luo, M. P. Nash, S. Pezzuto, G. Plank, S. Rossi, D. Ruprecht, G. Seemann, N. P. Smith, J. Sundnes, J. Rice, N. A. Trayanova, D. Wang, Z. J. Wang and S. A. Niederer