BioNT: Training and proffesionalisation in computation life sciences

BioNT: Training and proffesionalisation in computation life sciences


BioNT - BIO Network for Training

BioNT is an international consortium of academic entities, including six academic entities and three Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs) with the aim to provide a high-quality training program and community for digital skills relevant to the biotechnology industry and biomedical sector.

The basic curriculum of the program aims at employees or job seekers with limited prior experience in handling, processing and visualising biological data and/or the usage of computational biology tools. The advanced curriculum is targeted at Data Stewards, System Administrators, and other professionals who hold leading roles in the management and deployment of computational resources at their workplaces. It is building upon the strong expertise in digital literacy training of its members as well as on its wide network of collaborations and other initiatives aimed at professionalising Life Sciences data management, processing and analysis skills. Standardisation and state-of-the-art technological implementation will reinforce the training and outreach activities plan.

The program builds on short dedicated remote workshops as well as training recordings and will generate specific training material as Open Educational Resources which will be made available in a dedicated web platform. The consortium structure and high connectivity to relevant networks will foster project sustainability and efficient knowledge delivery to the stakeholders throughout the entire duration of the project and beyond, all this under a well defined and transparent management system.



  • European Molecular Biology Laboratory, project coordinator (Germany)
  • ZB MED (Germany)
  • École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)
  • University of Barcelona (Spain)
  • Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Germany)
  • University of Oslo (Norway)
  • BioByte (Germany)
  • HPCNow! (Spain)
  • Simula, associate member (Norway)

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