MBE-CR: An Innovative Approach for Longstanding Development and Maintenance of the Automated Cancer Registry System

MBE-CR: An Innovative Approach for Longstanding Development and Maintenance of the Automated Cancer Registry System

January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017

The innovation planned in this project is an add-on to the digitization project currently being undertaken by the Cancer Registry of Norway (CR). The project started in 2009 and aims to transform the current paper-based/manual system into an ICT-based Automated Cancer Registry System (ACRS). The planned innovation project aims to develop systematic, automated and cost-effective model-based approaches for ensuring the quality of the evolving ACRS system and therefore significantly improving the efficiency of the patient history registration process. This will positively affect all its end users, including researchers, patients, doctors, and government officials.

Funding source:

Regionale forskningsfond

All partners:

  • Simula Research Laboratory
  • Cancer Registry of Norway

Project leaders: 

  • Simula: Tao Yue (PI) and Shaukat Ali (Co-PI),
  • Cancer Registry: Jan F. Nygård