ODISSEE: Online Data Intensive Solutions for Science in the Exabytes Era

ODISSEE: Online Data Intensive Solutions for Science in the Exabytes Era


The Online Data Intensive Solutions for Science in the Exabytes Era, or the ODISSEE project, unites efforts from three major pan-European ESFRI infrastructures—HL-LHC, SKAO, and SLICES-RI—focused on advancing physical sciences, Big Data, and computing technologies. Its primary aim is to support groundbreaking scientific endeavours, with the search for Dark Matter serving as a pilot initiative, leveraging the complementary strengths of these infrastructures. 

The project will develop cutting-edge hardware and software platforms to address the challenges of processing and analysing massive data volumes produced by HL-LHC and SKA. This will be achieved through a collaborative R&D program with industry partners and access to advanced experimental facilities from SLICES-RI. The innovations will enable data-driven applications, enhancing SLICES-RI’s operational and experimental capacities while driving technological advancements across the digital continuum. 

Addressing shared challenges in operation, sustainability, and scalability, the project promotes co-design and collaboration between academia and European industries, bolstering digital sovereignty and industrial competitiveness. Embedded within regional and international research ecosystems, it links to major European initiatives and partners with key technology providers. The project is designed to have a lasting impact through a dual exploitation strategy, including unique training programs for research infrastructure staff and widespread cross-sector dissemination.

Simula will participate in four technical work packages of ODISSEE. Simula researchers will contribute with expertise in parallel programming, performance modeling/optimization and innovative use of AI processors. The eX3 cluster hosted at Simula will also be used as one of the testbeds for the techniques and tools to be developed by the ODISSEE consortium.

Project partners

  • Observatoire De Paris, Coordinator (France) 
  • Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique Cnrs (France) 
  • Organisation Europeene Pour La Recherche Nucl (Switzerland) 
  • The Square Kilometre Array Observatory (United Kingdom) 
  • Stichting Nederlandse Wetenschappelijk Onderzo (Netherlands) 
  • Institut National De Recherche En Informatique E (France) 
  • Barcelona Supercomputing Center Centro Nacion (Spain) 
  • Simula Research Laboratory AS (Norway) 
  • Surf BV (Netherlands) 
  • Grand Equipment National De Calcul Intensif (France) 
  • Energy Aware Solutions S.L. (Spain) 
  • Sipearl (France) 
  • NextSilicon GmbH (Germany) 
  • Neovia Innovation (France) 
  • Ecole Polytechnique Federale De Lausanne, Associated (Switzerland)
  • Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich, Associated (Switzerland)

Funding source

The Horizon Europe programme under Call HORIZON-INFRA-2024-TECH-01 funds this project

(external link to the call).

It is a Research & Innovation Action (RIA), Project 101188332.

Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the Granting authority can be held responsible for them.



