ProNet: Protection of Power electronically Interfaced LV Distributed Generation Networks
The project aims to develop the communication technology based intelligent methods of protection and post fault control for distribution systems with large scale renewable energy generation units and power electronic converters. The developed protection and control methods will minimize the possibility of losing power supply in an abnormal situation by stably operating a local system in an island mode if the power system at a higher level fails, and restoring normal operation as quickly as possible. The project is funded by the EU SMARTGRIDS ERANET program.
The new trend in power systems is developing towards Distributed Generation (DG) due to some technical, economical and environmental reasons. However, the large number of the renewable based Distributed Generation integrated into the power system and the wide application of power electronics present a great number of challenges. In addition, DG based smart power grid requires Machine-to-Machine (M2M) like communication scenarios, which however has not been explored.
It is envisioned that protection and post fault system control methods should be fast, adaptive and intelligent, should be supported by effective and reliable communication system which also need to deal with other issues such as M2M communications between Smart meters, IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Devices), RTUs (Remote Terminal Units), relay, sensor and other devices/terminals at the same time, in addition to the time critical demand of the protection and control methods.
Funding source:
All partners:
- Tubitak Uzay, Turkey
- Aalborg University, Denmark
- Simula Research Laboratory, Norway