Simula SpringerBriefs

Simula SpringerBriefs

The open access book series "Simula SpringerBriefs on Computing" introduces essentials of computing science.

What the Simula SpringerBriefs are

In 2016, Springer and Simula launched the book series, Simula SpringerBriefs on Computing (SSBC), to provide introductory volumes on advanced topics within Simula’s expertise in communications technology, software engineering, scientific computing, machine learning and cryptography. The series provides condensed overviews of the state-of-the-art and raises essential critical questions in the field.

Simula SpringerBriefs on Computing are characterised by:

  • Compact volumes of 75–150 pages
  • Sufficient overview of a narrow topic, such that new researchers get quickly up to speed on the topic
  • Open access availability as eBooks, with the option to buy printed versions

Current volumes

Why the Simula SpringerBriefs

SSBC is an important part of Simula’s efforts to fulfill its mandate from the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research to translate our deep topical expertise into research education. It also reflects Simula’s commitment to exploring creative solutions to problems in research and education.  In particular, SSBC aims to alleviate the challenges of finding the right introductory material for advanced research fields. Such information must often be collected from numerous and diverse sources, which is often a time consuming and frustrating process.

To address this issue, each Simula SpringerBriefs volume provides a concise yet in depth introduction to an advanced topic specifically designed to enable new researchers entering a subject to quickly get up to speed. The authors also include their own unique perspectives and highlight critical open problems and next steps to enable incoming researchers to direct their activities towards the cutting-edge.

Why Open Access

Simula is committed to open science. By publishing within the SpringerOpen framework, all Simula SpringerBriefs on Computing are open access, allowing for faster sharing and wider dissemination of knowledge. Under this agreement and model, authors also retain copyright which allows authors to use the series to publish an initial version of their manuscript that could subsequently evolve into a full-scale book on a broader theme. Since the briefs are freely available online, the authors do not receive any direct income from the sales; however, remuneration is provided for every completed manuscript.

Reports on Computational Physiology Subseries 

In recognition of the expansion of Simula’s focus on Computational Physiology, in 2020, Simula launched the SSCB subseries, Reports on Computational Physiology. This subseries leverages our researchers’ international interdisciplinary work in generating multi-scale mathematical models of excitable tissues (brain and heart). These models are becoming increasingly complex and draw ever closer to accurately predicting and reproducing experimental and clinical data.

Volumes in this series either follow the same format as the main series, or are composed of a collection of short reports on related physiological questions and the models developed to address them.  The subseries also provides a format for the students from the Summer School in Computational Physiology to publish their project reports.

Continuing on the themes of open science and facilitating rapid entry into new fields, the software used to generate the physiological models is made publicly available whenever possible.

Management and editorial board

The board’s central focus is the production of a series of the highest international academic standard. Members of the editorial board are tasked with soliciting new projects, and every volume is followed closely by an assigned editorial board member. Books in this series are published only by invitation from a member of the editorial board. Suggestions for new volumes are very welcome and can be directed to any member of the editorial board.

The members of the editorial board are:

  • Joakim Sundnes, Editor-in-Chief (Simula Research Laboratory)
  • Aslak Tveito (Simula Research Laboratory & University of Oslo)
  • Are Magnus Bruaset (Simula Research Laboratory & University of Oslo)
  • Magne Jørgensen (Simula Research Laboratory & University of Oslo)
  • Olav Lysne (Simula Metropolitan Centre for Digital Engineering & Oslo Metropolitan University)
  • Andrew McCulloch (University of California, San Diego)
  • Fabian Theis (Helmholtz Zentrum & Technische Universität München)
  • Kimberly (KC) Claffy (CAIDA, University of California, San Diego)
  • Karen Willcox (Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, University of Texas at Austin)
  • Andreas Zeller (Saarland University)
  • Shaukat Ali (Simula Research Laboratory)
  • Tao Yue (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics & Simula Research Laboratory)
  • Yan Zhang (University of Oslo & Simula Research Laboratory)
  • Marie Rognes (Simula Research Laboratory & University of Bergen)
  • Kent-Andre Mardal (University of Oslo & Simula Research Laboratory)
  • Xing Cai (Simula Research Laboratory & University of Oslo)
  • Michael Riegler (Simula Metropolitan Centre for Digital Engineering & UiT The Arctic University of Norway)
  • Kimberly McCabe (Simula Research Laboratory)
  • Andrew Edwards (Simula Research Laboratory)
  • Arnaud Gotlieb (Simula Research Laboratory)
  • Evrim Acar Ataman (Simula Metropolitan Centre for Digital Engineering)
  • Leon Moonen (Simula Research Laboratory)

Additional contact information

Rachel Thomas | Simula Research Laboratory | Acting Managing Editor

Jennifer Hazen | Simula Research Laboratory | Managing Editor (on parental leave)

Martin Peters | Springer Nature | Executive Editor

Leonie Kunz | Springer Nature | Senior Editorial Assistant for SSBC main series

Britta Rao | Springer Nature | Project Manager for Reports in Computational Physiology
