Co-production and co-destruction patterns in systems design, development and use
An IT system is meant for creating benefit for both service providers and service consumers. Often, disbenefit is created instead. You will study the phenomena of co-production of benefit and co-destruction into disbenefit in public service IT systems.
The concepts of co-production and co-destruction from social sciences are useful for understanding how service providers (e.g., NAV) and service consumers (e.g., NAV users) collaborate through IT systems to obtain goals, that may, or may not, be of shared interest. You will investigate how these concepts tie into systems design and development and the estimation of a systems value for stakeholders (benefit).
The goal is to systematize knowledge (patterns and anti-patterns) on co-production and benefits management so one can produce features in IT systems that enhance co-production of benefit (and avoid co-destruction of disbenefit).
Learning outcome
You will learn about public service IT and benefits management. You will learn how to synthesize results from different research fields into actionable results for implementation in IT systems.
An urge to dig into available research and to find out how concepts from different areas connect. An interest in making public service IT systems generate better value.
- Jo Erskine Hannay