Helge Spieker
Research Scientist
- Department
- Validation Intelligence for Autonomous Software Systems
- Organisation
- Simula Research Laboratory
- Research Interests
- Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Constraint Programming Software Testing
- helge@simula.no
- Web
- hspieker.de/
Proceedings, refereed
D. Gross and H. Spieker
PCTL Model Checking for Temporal RL Policy Safety Explanations
ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC)
D. Gross and H. Spieker
Co-Activation Graph Analysis of Safety-verified and Explainable Deep Reinforcement Learning Policies
17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Talks, invited
H. Spieker
Trustworthy Automated Driving through Qualitative Explainable Graphs
Trustworthy Systems Laboratory, University of Bristol, UK
Talks, contributed
Q. Mazouni, H. Spieker, A. Gotlieb and M. Acher
Policy Testing with MDPFuzz (Replicability Study) (Abstract)
Software Engineering (SE 2025)
Q. Mazouni, A. Gotlieb, H. Spieker, M. Acher and B. Combemale
Mutation-Guided Metamorphic Testing of Optimality in AI Planning
18th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST) 2025
Journal Articles
N. Belmecheri, A. Gotlieb, N. Lazaar and H. Spieker
Towards Trustworthy Automated Driving through Qualitative Scene Understanding and Explanations
SAE International Journal of Connected and Automated Vehicles
M. B. Belaid, N. Belmecheri, A. Gotlieb, N. Lazaar and H. Spieker
Query-driven Qualitative Constraint Acquisition
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)
L. Lesoil, H. Spieker, A. Gotlieb, M. Acher, P. Temple, A. Blouin and J. Jézéquel
Learning Input-aware Performance Models of Configurable Systems: An Empirical Evaluation
Journal of Systems and Software
Proceedings, refereed
Q. Mazouni, H. Spieker, A. Gotlieb and M. Acher
Policy Testing with MDPFuzz (Replicability Study)
ISSTA 2024: Proceedings of the 33st ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
Q. Mazouni, H. Spieker, A. Gotlieb and M. Acher
Testing for Fault Diversity in Reinforcement Learning
AST '24: Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automation of Software Test (AST 2024)
H. Spieker, N. Belmecheri, A. Gotlieb and N. Lazaar
Evaluating Human Trajectory Prediction with Metamorphic Testing
MET 2024: Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Workshop on Metamorphic Testing
D. Gross and H. Spieker
Safety-Oriented Pruning and Interpretation of Reinforcement Learning Policies
European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN)
D. Gross and H. Spieker
Probabilistic Model Checking of Stochastic Reinforcement Learning Policies
16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART)
N. Belmecheri, A. Gotlieb, N. Lazaar and H. Spieker
Trustworthy Automated Driving through Qualitative Scene Understanding and Explanations
Transport Research Arena (TRA)
Proceedings, non-refereed
M. Linløkken, S. A. Vigane, F. Meyer, C. Högström, P. Jølstad, H. Spieker, S. Guillaume, S. Hoholm, F. Wolfsperger and M. Gilgien
A Biomechanical Analysis of how Athlete Behavior and Equivalent Fall Height Affect Landing Stability for Skiers and Snowboarders in a World Cup Big Air Competition
Joint Conference 25th International Congress on Snow Sport Trauma and Safety - 38th Congress of the International Society for Snowsports Medicine (ISSS)
Talks, contributed
N. Belmecheri, A. Gotlieb, N. Lazaar and H. Spieker
Relevant Object Identification from Qualitative Explainable Graphs in Automated Driving
NORA Annual Conference
Conference proceedings
D. Gross, R. Knoblauch, H. Spieker and A. Gottlieb
Enhancing Manufacturing Quality Prediction Models through the Integration of Explainability Methods
International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence 2024
Journal Articles
P. Bernabé, A. Gotlieb, B. Legeard, D. Marijan, F. O. Sem-Jacobsen and H. Spieker
Detecting Intentional AIS Shutdown in Open Sea Maritime Surveillance Using Self-Supervised Deep Learning
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Proceedings, refereed
A. Gotlieb, M. Mossige and H. Spieker
Constraint-guided Test Execution Scheduling: An Experience Report at ABB Robotics
SAFECOMP2023 42nd International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security 19-22 September 2023, Toulouse, France
M. B. Belaid, N. Belmecheri, N. Lazaar, A. Gotlieb and H. Spieker
Approche générique pour l’acquisition de contraintes qualitatives
Q. Mazouni, H. Spieker, A. Gotlieb and M. Acher
A Review of Validation and Verification of Neural Network-based Policies for Sequential Decision Making
Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheurs en Intelligence Artificielle
Technical reports
N. Belmecheri, A. Gotlieb, N. Lazaar and H. Spieker
Acquiring Qualitative Explainable Graphs for Automated Driving Scene Interpretation
Talks, invited
H. Spieker
Trustworthy AI: Scientific, Industrial, and Societal Impact
OsloMet, Norway
Journal Articles
S. Herbold, A. Trautsch, B. Ledel, A. Aghamohammadi, T. A. Ghaleb, K. K. Chahal, T. Bossenmaier, B. Nagaria, P. Makedonski, M. N. Ahmadabadi, K. Szabados, H. Spieker, M. Madeja, N. Hoy, V. Lenarduzzi, S. Wang, G. Rodríguez-Pérez, R. C. Palacios, R. Verdecchia, P. Singh, Y. Qin, D. Chakroborti, W. Davis, V. Walunj, H. Wu, D. Marcilio, O. Alam, A. Aldaeej, I. Amit, B. Turhan, S. Eismann, A. Wickert, I. Malavolta, M. Sulir, F. Fard, A. Z. Henley, S. Kourtzanidis, E. Tuzun, C. Treude, S. M. Shamasbi, I. Pashchenko, M. Wyrich, J. Davis, A. Serebrenik, E. Albrecht, E. U. Aktas, D. Strüber and J. Erbel
A Fine-grained Data Set and Analysis of Tangling in Bug Fixing Commits
Empirical Software Engineering
Proceedings, refereed
M. K. Ahuja, S. Sahil and H. Spieker
FoCA: Failure-oriented Class Augmentation for Robust Image Classification
The 34th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI)
M. K. Ahuja, A. Gotlieb and H. Spieker
Testing Deep Learning Models: A First Comparative Study of Multiple Testing Techniques
Artificial Intelligence in Software Testing @ 2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW)
M. B. Belaid, N. Belmecheri, A. Gotlieb, N. Lazaar and H. Spieker
GEQCA: Generic Qualitative Constraint Acquisition
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Talks, invited
H. Spieker
The interplay of AI and software testing for resilient software systems
Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique, France
H. Spieker
Software Engineering: The Next 20 Years
Simula 20th Anniversary Celebration
H. Spieker
AutoCSP - Self-Supervised Neuro-Symbolic Solvers for Constraint Satisfaction
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Lab, University of Bonn, Germany
Talks, contributed
M. B. Belaid, N. Belmecheri, A. Gotlieb, N. Lazaar and H. Spieker
GEQCA: Generic Qualitative Constraint Acquisition
Lernen. Wissen. Daten. Analysen. (LWDA) - KDML Track
Journal Articles
H. Spieker and A. Gotlieb
Predictive Machine Learning of Objective Boundaries for Solving COPs
Proceedings, refereed
H. Spieker
Constraint-Guided Reinforcement Learning: Augmenting the Agent-Environment-Interaction
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)
P. Bernabé, A. Gotlieb, B. Legeard, F. O. Sem-Jacobsen and H. Spieker
Apprentissage auto-supervisé pour la détection d’actions illégales lors de la surveillance du trafic maritime
Applications Pratiques de l’Intelligence Artificielle
M. K. Ahuja, M. B. Belaid, P. Bernabé, A. Gotlieb, D. Marijan, A. Sharif and H. Spieker
Improving the Reliability of Autonomous Software Systems through Metamorphic Testing
Proceedings of the 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL)
P. Bernabé, H. Spieker, B. Legeard and A. Gotlieb
Encoding Temporal and Spatial Vessel Context using Self-Supervised Learning Model (Student Abstract)
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Book Chapters
A. Gotlieb, D. Marijan and H. Spieker
Testing Industrial Robotic Systems: A New Battlefield!
Software Engineering for Robotics
P. Bernabé, H. Spieker, A. Gotlieb and B. Legeard
Encoding Temporal and Spatial Vessel Context using Self-Supervised Learning Model (Student Abstract)
Talks, contributed
H. Spieker and A. Gotlieb
Summary of: Adaptive Metamorphic Testing with Contextual Bandits
IEEE International Conference on Software Testing (ICST)
H. Spieker and A. Gotlieb
Learning to Generate Fault-revealing Test Cases in Metamorphic Testing
Software Engineering 2021
M. Mossige, R. Ramachandran and H. Spieker
AI4EU Robotics Pilot: Vibration sensor measurements in a robotic wrist
M. Mossige, R. Ramachandran and H. Spieker
AI4EU Robotics Pilot: Vibration sensor measurements in a robotic pump
Journal Articles
H. Spieker and A. Gotlieb
Adaptive Metamorphic Testing with Contextual Bandits
Journal of Systems and Software
A. Gotlieb, D. Marijan and H. Spieker
ITE: A Lightweight Implementation of Stratified Reasoning for Constructive Logical Operators
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools
Proceedings, refereed
M. K. Ahuja, M. B. Belaid, P. Bernabé, M. Collet, A. Gotlieb, C. Lal, D. Marijan, S. Sen, A. Sharif and H. Spieker
Opening the Software Engineering Toolbox for the Assessment of Trustworthy AI
1st International Workshop on New Foundations for Human-Centered AI @ ECAI 2020
H. Spieker and A. Gotlieb
Learning Objective Boundaries for Constraint Optimization Problems
International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science
PhD Thesis
H. Spieker
Software Testing in Continuous Integration with Machine Learning and Constraint Optimization
The University of Oslo
Talks, invited
H. Spieker
Intelligent Software Testing with Reinforcement Learning and Constraint Programming
Fraunhofer IAIS, Sankt Augustin, Germany
Talks, contributed
P. Bernabé, H. Spieker, A. Gotlieb, D. Marijan and B. Legeard
Statistics AIS Dataset from Statsat
Simula Research Laboratory
H. Spieker
How ABB and Certus work together to build better continuous integration testing of cyber-physical systems
14th Certus User Partner Workshop (UPW), Larvik, Norway