Karoline Horgmo Jæger
Senior Research Scientist
- Department
- Computational Physiology
- Organisation
- Simula Research Laboratory
- karolihj@simula.no
Journal Articles
K. H. Jæger and A. Tveito
A possible path to persistent re-entry waves at the outlet of the left pulmonary vein
npj Systems Biology and Applications
K. H. Jæger, J. D. Trotter, X. Cai, H. Arevalo and A. Tveito
Evaluating computational efforts and physiological resolution of mathematical models of cardiac tissue
Scientific Reports
K. H. Jæger, V. Charwat, S. Wall, K. Healy and A. Tveito
Do calcium channel blockers applied to cardiomyocytes cause increased channel expression resulting in reduced efficacy?
npj Systems Biology and Applications
Journal Articles
K. H. Jæger and A. Tveito
The simplified Kirchhoff network model (SKNM): a cell‐based reaction–diffusion model of excitable tissue
Scientific Reports
K. H. Jæger and A. Tveito
Efficient, cell-based simulations of cardiac electrophysiology; The Kirchhoff Network Model (KNM)
npj Systems Biology and Applications
K. H. Jæger, E. Ivanovic, J. P. Kucera and A. Tveito
Nano-scale solution of the Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) equations in a fraction of two neighboring cells reveals the magnitude of intercellular electrochemical waves
PLoS Computational Biology
K. H. Jæger and A. Tveito
Differential Equations for Studies in Computational Electrophysiology
Simula SpringerBriefs on Computing
Journal Articles
V. Charwat, B. Charrez, B. A. Siemons, H. Finsberg, K. H. Jæger, A. G. Edwards, N. Huebsch, S. Wall, E. Miller, A. Tveito and K. E. Healy
Validating the Arrhythmogenic Potential of High-, Intermediate-, and Low-Risk Drugs in a Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiac Microphysiological System
ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science
N. Huebsch, B. Charrez, G. Neiman, B. Siemons, S. C. Boggess, S. Wall, V. Charwat, K. H. Jæger, D. Cleres, Å. Telle, F. T. Lee-Montiel, N. C. Jeffreys, N. Deveshwar, A. G. Edwards, J. Serrano, M. Snuderl, A. Stahl, A. Tveito, E. W. Miller and K. E. Healy
Metabolically driven maturation of human-induced-pluripotent-stem-cell-derived cardiac microtissues on microfluidic chips
Nature Biomedical Engineering
K. H. Jæger, A. G. Edwards, W. R. Giles and A. Tveito
Arrhythmogenic influence of mutations in a myocyte‑based computational model of the pulmonary vein sleeve
Nature Scientific Reports
K. H. Jæger and A. Tveito
Deriving the Bidomain Model of Cardiac Electrophysiology From a Cell-Based Model; Properties and Comparisons
Frontiers in Physiology
Journal Articles
K. H. Jæger, A. G. Edwards, W. R. Giles and A. Tveito
From Millimeters to Micrometers; Re-introducing Myocytes in Models of Cardiac Electrophysiology
Frontiers in Physiology
K. H. Jæger, A. G. Edwards, W. R. Giles and A. Tveito
A computational method for identifying an optimal combination of existing drugs to repair the action potentials of SQT1 ventricular myocytes
PLoS Computational Biology
K. H. Jæger, V. Charwat, S. Wall, K. E. Healy and A. Tveito
Identifying drug response by combining measurements of the membrane potential, the cytosolic calcium concentration, and the extracellular potential in microphysiological systems
Frontiers in Pharmacology
K. H. Jæger, S. Wall and A. Tveito
Computational prediction of drug response in short QT syndrome type 1 based on measurements of compound effect in stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes
PLoS Computational Biology
K. H. Jæger, K. G. Hustad, X. Cai and A. Tveito
Efficient numerical solution of the EMI model representing the extracellular space (E), cell membrane (M) and intracellular space (I) of a collection of cardiac cells
Frontiers in Physics
Book Chapters
K. H. Jæger, K. G. Hustad, X. Cai and A. Tveito
Operator Splitting and Finite Difference Schemes for Solving the EMI Model
Modeling Excitable Tissue: The EMI Framework
K. H. Jæger and A. Tveito
Derivation of a Cell-Based Mathematical Model of Excitable Cells
Modeling Excitable Tissue: The EMI Framework
Journal Articles
A. Tveito, K. H. Jæger, M. Maleckar, W. R. Giles and S. Wall
Computational translation of drug effects from animal experiments to human ventricular myocytes
Nature Scientific Reports
K. H. Jæger, V. Charwat, B. Charrez, H. Finsberg, M. Maleckar, S. Wall, K. E. Healy and A. Tveito
Improved computational identification of drug response using optical measurements of human stem cell derived cardiomyocytes in microphysiological systems
Frontiers in Pharmacology
Journal Articles
K. H. Jæger, S. Wall and A. Tveito
Detecting undetectables: Can conductances of action potential models be changed without appreciable change in the transmembrane potential?
A. P. Buccino, M. Kuchta, K. H. Jæger, T. V. Ness, P. Berthet, K. Mardal, G. Cauwenberghs and A. Tveito
How does the presence of neural probes affect extracellular potentials?
Journal of Neural Engineering
K. H. Jæger, A. G. Edwards, A. D. McCulloch and A. Tveito
Properties of cardiac conduction in a cell-based computational model
PLoS Computational Biology
Proceedings, refereed
H. Arevalo, K. H. Jæger and S. Wall
Investigating the Pro- and Anti-Arrhythmic Properties of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes in Post-Infarction Patient Hearts: A Modeling Study
6th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering
PhD Thesis
K. H. Jæger
Cell-Based Mathematical Models of Small Collections of Excitable Cells
The University of Oslo
Journal Articles
A. Tveito, K. H. Jæger, N. Huebsch, B. Charrez, A. G. Edwards, S. Wall and K. E. Healy
Inversion and computational maturation of drug response using human stem cell derived cardiomyocytes in microphysiological systems
Nature Scientific Reports
S. Wall, K. H. Jæger, N. Huebsch, B. Charrez, K. Healy and A. Tveito
In Silico - Augmented Cardiac Microphysiological Systems for Evaluating Cardiac Drug Effects
S. Wall, K. H. Jæger, N. Huebsch, B. Charrez, K. Healy and A. Tveito
In Silico - Augmented Cardiac Microphysiological Systems for Evaluating Cardiac Drug Effects
Talks, contributed
S. Wall, A. Tveito, K. H. Jæger, A. G. Edwards, K. Healy, N. Huebsch and B. Charrez
In Silico Modeling of Cardiac Microphysiological Systems for Evaluating Drug Side Effects
Heart By Numbers Conference, Berlin, Germany
Journal Articles
A. Tveito, K. H. Jæger, M. Kuchta, K. Mardal and M. E. Rognes
A cell-based framework for numerical modelling of electrical conduction in cardiac tissue
Frontiers in Physics, Computational Physics
A. Tveito, K. H. Jæger, G. T. Lines, Ł. Paszkowski, J. Sundnes, A. G. Edwards, T. Mäki-Marttunen, G. Halnes and G. T. Einevoll
An Evaluation of the Accuracy of Classical Models for Computing the Membrane Potential and Extracellular Potential for Neurons
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
Master's thesis
K. H. Jæger
An Investigation of Necessary Grid Resolution for Numerical Simulations of Calcium Dynamics in Cardiac Cells
The University of Oslo