Leon Moonen
ProfessorChief Research Scientist/Research ProfessorHead of Department
- Department
- Data-Driven Software Engineering
- Organisation
- Simula Research Laboratory
- Research Interests
- Security and Resilience in Software Systems Self-Healing and Self-Adaptive Software Applications of Machine Learning in SE Software Repository Mining and Analytics Reverse Engineering Empirical Software Engineering
- leon@simula.no
- Web
- leonmoonen.com
Journal Articles
O. I. Al-Bataineh, L. Moonen and L. Vidziunas
Extending the range of bugs that automated program repair can handle
Journal of Systems and Software
Proceedings, refereed
L. Vidziunas, D. Binkley and L. Moonen
The Impact of Program Reduction on Automated Program Repair
40th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME)
M. Hort and L. Moonen
On a Sustainable Training of Large Language Models for Source Code
International Conference on Information and Communications Technology for Sustainability (ICT4S)
O. I. Al-Bataineh and L. Moonen
Towards Developing Effective Fault localization Technique for Termination Bugs in Loop Programs
5th ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Automated Program Repair (APR)
M. Astekin, M. Hort and L. Moonen
A Comparative Study on Large Language Models for Log Parsing
18th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM)
M. Astekin, M. Hort and L. Moonen
An Exploratory Study on How Non-Determinism in Large Language Models Affects Log Parsing
2nd International Workshop on Interpretability, Robustness, and Benchmarking in Neural Software Engineering (InteNSE)
Technical reports
F. V. Ruiz, A. Grishina, M. Hort and L. Moonen
A Novel Approach for Automatic Program Repair using Round-Trip Translation with Large Language Models
Proceedings, refereed
M. Hort, A. Grishina and L. Moonen
An Exploratory Literature Study on Sharing and Energy Use of Language Models for Source Code
2023 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM)
S. Malik, M. A. Naqvi and L. Moonen
CHESS: A Framework for Evaluation of Self-adaptive Systems based on Chaos Engineering
18th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 2023)
A. Høst, P. Lison and L. Moonen
Constructing a Knowledge Graph from Textual Descriptions of Software Vulnerabilities in the National Vulnerability Database
24th Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa 2023)
A. Grishina, M. Hort and L. Moonen
The EarlyBIRD Catches the Bug: On Exploiting Early Layers of Encoder Models for More Efficient Code Classification
ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2023)
V. Liventsev, A. Grishina, A. Härmä and L. Moonen
Fully Autonomous Programming with Large Language Models
ACM SIGEVO Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2023)
Technical reports
A. Høst, P. Lison and L. Moonen
Constructing a Knowledge Graph from Textual Descriptions of Software Vulnerabilities in the National Vulnerability Database
A. Grishina, M. Hort and L. Moonen
The EarlyBIRD Catches the Bug: On Exploiting Early Layers of Encoder Models for More Efficient Code Classification
S. Malik, M. A. Naqvi and L. Moonen
Using Fault Injection to Generate Labeled Anomaly Datasets for Improving Fault Tolerance in Microservice-based Distributed Systems
S. Malik, M. A. Naqvi and L. Moonen
CHESS: A Framework for Evaluation of Self-adaptive Systems based on Chaos Engineering
V. Liventsev, A. Grishina, A. Härmä and L. Moonen
Fully Autonomous Programming with Large Language Models
Talks, invited
L. Moonen
It's the end of programming as we know it (and we'll be fine)
Oslo Big Data Day, Norway
A. Yamashita and L. Moonen
Do Developers Care About Code Smells? - Ten Years Later
30th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER)
Conference proceedings
Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM)
23rd IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM)
Journal Articles
D. Binkley, L. Moonen and S. Isaacman
Featherweight Assisted Vulnerability Discovery
Information and Software Technology
Proceedings, refereed
D. Binkley and L. Moonen
Assessing the Impact of Execution Environment on Observation-Based Slicing
IEEE Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation
O. I. Al-Bataineh and L. Moonen
Towards Extending the Range of Bugs That Automated Program Repair Can Handle
IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS)
M. A. Naqvi, S. Malik, M. Astekin and L. Moonen
On Evaluating Self-Adaptive and Self-Healing Systems using Chaos Engineering
IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS)
Technical reports
M. A. Naqvi, S. Malik, M. Astekin and L. Moonen
On Evaluating Self-Adaptive and Self-Healing Systems using Chaos Engineering
O. I. Al-Bataineh and L. Moonen
Towards Extending the Range of Bugs That Automated Program Repair Can Handle
D. Binkley and L. Moonen
Assessing the Impact of Execution Environment on Observation-Based Slicing
D. Binkley, L. Moonen and S. Isaacman
Featherweight Assisted Vulnerability Discovery
S. Malik and L. Moonen
Replication package for the paper On Evaluating Self-Adaptive and Self-Healing Systems using Chaos Engineering
L. Moonen and L. Vidziunas
CVEfixes Dataset v1.0.7: Automatically Collected Vulnerabilities and Their Fixes from Open-Source Software
D. Binkley, L. Moonen and S. Isaacman
Replication package for the paper Featherweight Assisted Vulnerability Discovery
Proceedings, refereed
O. I. Al-Bataineh, A. Grishina and L. Moonen
Towards More Reliable Automated Program Repair by Integrating Static Analysis Techniques
21st IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security
G. P. Bhandari, A. Naseer and L. Moonen
CVEfixes: Automated Collection of Vulnerabilities and Their Fixes from Open-Source Software
17th International Conference on Predictive Models and Data Analytics in Software Engineering (PROMISE 2021)
M. A. Naqvi, M. Astekin, S. Malik and L. Moonen
Adaptive Immunity for Software: Towards Autonomous Self-healing Systems
28th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER)
Technical reports
O. I. Al-Bataineh, A. Grishina and L. Moonen
Towards More Reliable Automated Program Repair by Integrating Static Analysis Techniques
Journal Articles
L. Moonen, D. Binkley and S. Pugh
On Adaptive Change Recommendation
Journal of Systems and Software
Proceedings, refereed
C. M. Rosenberg and L. Moonen
Spectrum-Based Log Diagnosis
Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM)
Talks, invited
L. Moonen
cureIT and secureIT: Towards Resilient and Secure Software Systems
The 14th Certus User Partner Workshop, Larvik, Norway
L. Moonen
Supporting Continuous Engineering with Automated Log Clustering and Diagnosis
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
M. Monperrus, B. O'Reilly, L. Moonen and G. Grosch
Antifragility and Chaos Engineering
HiQ, Stockholm, Sweden
Proceedings, refereed
C. M. Rosenberg and L. Moonen
On the Use of Automated Log Clustering to Support Effort Reduction in Continuous Engineering
25th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2018)
C. M. Rosenberg and L. Moonen
Improving Problem Identification via Automated Log Clustering using Dimensionality Reduction
12th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2018)
S. Pugh, D. Binkley and L. Moonen
The Case for Adaptive Change Recommendation
18th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM)
L. Moonen, T. G. Rolfsnes, D. Binkley and S. Di Alesio
Data set for the paper What are the Effects of History Length and Age on Mining Software Change Impact?
Talks, invited
L. Moonen
History-Based Recommendations to Guide Software Evolution
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
L. Moonen
History-Based Recommendations to Guide Software Evolution
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
L. Moonen
History-Based Recommendations to Guide Software Evolution
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
Talks, contributed
C. M. Rosenberg and L. Moonen
Certus Project 9 – Smarter Testing of Evolving Software Systems
12th Certus User Partner Workshop, Norway
J. L. de la Vara, M. Borg, K. Wnuk and L. Moonen
Safety Evidence Change Impact Analysis in Practice
International Conference on Software Engineering, Buenos Aires, Argentina
T. G. Rolfsnes, L. Moonen and D. Binkley
Predicting Relevance of Change Recommendations
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA