Mikkel Lepperød
Research Scientist
- Department
- Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
- Organisation
- Simula Research Laboratory
- mikkel@simula.no
Journal Articles
M. Wasiluk, M. Lepperød and K. O. Ellefsen
Self-Supervised Pseudodata Filtering for Improved Replay with Sub-Optimal Generators
K. Holzhausen, M. Merlin, H. Torvik, A. Malthe-Sørenssen and M. Lepperød
Exploring mechanisms of Neural Robustness: probing the bridge between geometry and spectrum
V. Schøyen, M. B. Pettersen, K. Holzhausen, M. Fyhn, A. Malthe-Sørenssen and M. Lepperød
Coherently Remapping Toroidal Cells But Not Grid Cells are Responsible for Path Integration in Virtual Agents
M. Lepperød, T. Stöber, T. Hafting, M. Fyhn and K. Kording
Inferring causal connectivity from pairwise recordings and optogenetics
PLOS Computational Biology
K. Danieli, M. Fyhn and M. Lepperød
Online and memory-driven navigation through neuromodulation-based synaptic plasticity
Talks, invited
M. Lepperød
Normative Modelling of Remapping in the Hippocampal Formation
UCSD, San Diego, US
M. Lepperød
Understanding AI: Technical Insights, Neuroscience Lessons and Future Possibilities
NMBU: Young NeuroAI workshop
M. Lepperød
Understanding AI: Technical Insights, Neuroscience Lessons and Future Possibilities
Simula Seminars: Exploring Norway's role in shaping future AI research
M. Lepperød
Understanding AI: Technical Insights, Neuroscience Lessons and Future Possibilities
AI Week Oslo Met, Norway
Talks, contributed
M. Kvalsund, K. O. Ellefsen, K. Glette, S. Pontes-Filho and M. Lepperød
The distributed neocortex: How neuroscience can inspire distributed AI systems
Workshop "The Distributed Ghost Cellular Automata, Distributed Dynamical Systems, and Their Applications to Intelligence" at ALIFE 2023
S. Pontes-Filho, S. Nichele and M. Lepperød
Critical Neural Cellular Automata
Workshop "The Distributed Ghost Cellular Automata, Distributed Dynamical Systems, and Their Applications to Intelligence" at ALIFE 2023
Public outreach
H. Lynnebakken, M. Lepperød and V. Schøyen
Hvordan holder hjernen orden på hvor du er? Ny kunnskap skal gi bedre KI
M. Riegler, M. Lepperød and L. Røstad
Norge som fanebærer for etikk i en uforutsigbar framtid
Journal Articles
S. Nichele, S. Sæbø, K. Pettersen and M. Lepperød
NeuroAI - A strategic opportunity for Norway and Europe
Nordic Machine Intelligence
K. Beshkov, J. Verhellen and M. Lepperød
Isometric Representations in Neural Networks Improve Robustness
H. P. Targopula, A. Malthe-Sørenssen and M. Lepperød
Model-based meta reinforcement learning for alchemy
C. Bechkov, J. Verhellen and M. Lepperød
Manifold Propagation Through Neural Networks
M. B. Pettersen, V. Schøyen, A. Malthe-Sørenssen and M. Lepperød
Emergent Place Cells and Remapping in a Recurrent Neural Network Model
F. Rogge, A. Malthe-Sørenssen, M. Fyhn and M. Lepperød
On the Structural Sensitivity of the Successor Representation
C. Bechkov, J. Verhellen and M. Lepperød
Manifold propagation through recurrent neural networks
V. Schøyen, M. B. Pettersen, K. Holzhausen, A. Malthe-Sørenssen and M. Lepperød
Place and grid cell navigation in multiple environments
V. Schøyen, M. B. Pettersen, K. Holzhausen, A. Malthe-Sørenssen and M. Lepperød
Navigating Multiple Environments with Emergent Grid Cell Remapping
K. Holzhausen, M. Lepperød and A. Malthe-Sørenssen
Robustness of neural networks trained with biologically inspired local learning rules
I. Nymoen, F. Rogge, M. Lepperød, T. Hafting, K. K. Lensjø and M. Fyhn
Learning Flexibility in Parahippocampal Networks