Samuel Wall
Chief Research Scientist/Research Professor
- Department
- Computational Physiology
- Organisation
- Simula Research Laboratory

Journal Articles
H. Finsberg, V. Charwat, K. Healy and S. Wall
Automatic motion estimation with applications to hiPSC-CMs
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express
K. H. Jæger, V. Charwat, S. Wall, K. Healy and A. Tveito
Do calcium channel blockers applied to cardiomyocytes cause increased channel expression resulting in reduced efficacy?
npj Systems Biology and Applications
Journal Articles
H. Finsberg, I. G. M. van Herck, C. Daversin-Catty, H. Arevalo and S. Wall
simcardems: A FEniCS-based cardiac electro-mechanics solver
Journal of Open Source Software
A. G. Edwards, A. D. McCulloch, A. T. Quinn, J. Sundnes, S. Wall and V. Timmermann
An In-Silico Study on Integrated Mechanisms of Mechano-Electric Coupling in Ischemic Arrhythmogenesis
J. Sundnes, L. C. Lee, S. Wall and D. Valdez-Jasso
Editorial: Computational models of cardiovascular growth and remodeling
Frontiers in Physiology
Å. Telle, J. D. Trotter, X. Cai, H. Finsberg, M. Kuchta, J. Sundnes and S. Wall
A cell-based framework for modeling cardiac mechanics
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology
Å. Telle, M. Maleckar, J. Sundnes, S. Wall and P. M. Boyle
Contractility and Local Stress Patterns Depend on Directionality of Fibrosis Progression: Insights From Microscale Biomechanical Simulations
Circulation Supplement
Journal Articles
V. Charwat, B. Charrez, B. A. Siemons, H. Finsberg, K. H. Jæger, A. G. Edwards, N. Huebsch, S. Wall, E. Miller, A. Tveito and K. E. Healy
Validating the Arrhythmogenic Potential of High-, Intermediate-, and Low-Risk Drugs in a Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiac Microphysiological System
ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science
N. Huebsch, B. Charrez, G. Neiman, B. Siemons, S. C. Boggess, S. Wall, V. Charwat, K. H. Jæger, D. Cleres, Å. Telle, F. T. Lee-Montiel, N. C. Jeffreys, N. Deveshwar, A. G. Edwards, J. Serrano, M. Snuderl, A. Stahl, A. Tveito, E. W. Miller and K. E. Healy
Metabolically driven maturation of human-induced-pluripotent-stem-cell-derived cardiac microtissues on microfluidic chips
Nature Biomedical Engineering
O. O. Odeigah, D. Valdez-Jasso, S. Wall and J. Sundnes
Computational models of ventricular mechanics and adaptation in response to right-ventricular pressure overload
Frontiers in Physiology
Proceedings, refereed
I. van Herck, H. Finsberg, C. Daversin-Catty, M. Mora, B. Trenor, H. Arevalo and S. Wall
Population of Computational Cell and Tissue Cardiac Electromechanical Models for functional analysis
World Congress of Biomechanics
Book Chapters
B. Singstad, B. S. Dalen, S. Sihra, N. Forsch and S. Wall
Identifying Ionic Channel Block in a Virtual Cardiomyocyte Population Using Machine Learning Classifiers
Computational Physiology - Simula Summer School 2021 - Student Reports
Talks, invited
J. Sundnes, Å. Telle and S. Wall
A cell-based framework for modeling cardiac mechanics
International Symposium in honor of Professor Gerhard A. Holzapfel’s 60th birthday, Graz, Austria
Talks, contributed
Å. Telle, B. Charrez, V. Charwat, H. Finsberg, K. E. Healy and S. Wall
Estimating active tension in cardiac micromuscles
World Congress on Biomechanics (WCB), Taipei, Taiwan (Virtual)
I. G. M. van Herck, J. Llopis-Lorente, H. Finsberg, C. Daversin-Catty, M. Mora, J. Saiz, B. Trenor, H. Arevalo and S. Wall
Computational 3D cardiac electromechanical models for functional and pharmacological analysis
9th International Workshop on Cardiac Mechano-Electric Coupling and Arrhythmias
I. G. M. van Herck, M. Mora, H. Finsberg, C. Daversin-Catty, B. Trenor, H. Arevalo and S. Wall
Omecamtiv Mecarbil Improves Contraction Behaviour in a 3D Electromechanical Tissue Model of Heart Failure
49th Computing in Cardiology Conference
Å. Telle, J. D. Trotter, X. Cai, M. Kuchta, H. Finsberg, J. Sundnes and S. Wall
Modeling cardiac mechanics using a cell-based framework
15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-XV), Yokohama, Japan
I. G. M. van Herck, H. Finsberg, C. Daversin-Catty, M. Mora, B. Trenor, H. Arevalo and S. Wall
Functional Analysis of Healthy and Heart Failure Tissue Populations using 3D Cardiac Electromechanical Models
15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (virtual)
Conference proceedings
I. G. M. van Herck, M. Mora, J. Llopis-Lorente, H. Finsberg, C. Daversin-Catty, J. Saiz, B. Trenor, H. Arevalo and S. Wall
Omecamtiv Mecarbil Improves Contraction Behaviour in a 3D Electromechanical Tissue Model of Heart Failure
2022 Computing in Cardiology (CinC)
Journal Articles
S. M. Shavik, S. Wall, J. Sundnes, J. M. Guccione, P. Sengupta, S. D. Solomon, D. Burkhoff and L. C. Lee
Computational Modeling Studies of the Roles of Left Ventricular Geometry, Afterload, and Muscle Contractility on Myocardial Strains in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction
Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research
K. H. Jæger, V. Charwat, S. Wall, K. E. Healy and A. Tveito
Identifying drug response by combining measurements of the membrane potential, the cytosolic calcium concentration, and the extracellular potential in microphysiological systems
Frontiers in Pharmacology
K. H. Jæger, S. Wall and A. Tveito
Computational prediction of drug response in short QT syndrome type 1 based on measurements of compound effect in stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes
PLoS Computational Biology
Book Chapters
Å. Telle, S. Wall and J. Sundnes
Modeling Cardiac Mechanics on a Sub-Cellular Scale
Modeling Excitable Tissue: The EMI Framework
Journal Articles
A. Tveito, K. H. Jæger, M. Maleckar, W. R. Giles and S. Wall
Computational translation of drug effects from animal experiments to human ventricular myocytes
Nature Scientific Reports
M. Albatat, J. Bergsland, H. Arevalo, H. H. Odland, S. Wall, J. Sundnes and I. Balasingham
Multisite pacing and myocardial scars: a computational study
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
K. H. Jæger, V. Charwat, B. Charrez, H. Finsberg, M. Maleckar, S. Wall, K. E. Healy and A. Tveito
Improved computational identification of drug response using optical measurements of human stem cell derived cardiomyocytes in microphysiological systems
Frontiers in Pharmacology
V. Timmermann, A. T. Quinn, J. Sundnes, S. Wall, A. D. McCulloch and A. G. Edwards
A computational study on integrated mechanisms of mechano-electric feedback in ischemic arrhythmogenesis
Journal Articles
S. Kallhovd, J. Sundnes and S. Wall
Sensitivity of stress and strain calculations to passive material parameters in cardiac mechanical models using unloaded geometries
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
H. Finsberg, C. Xi, X. Zhao, J. Le Tan, M. Genet, J. Sundnes, L. C. Lee, L. Zhong and S. Wall
Computational quantification of patient-specific changes in ventricular dynamics associated with pulmonary hypertension
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology
V. Timmermann, A. G. Edwards, S. Wall, J. Sundnes and A. D. McCulloch
Arrhythmogenic current generation by myofilament-triggered Ca2+ release and sarcomere heterogeneity
Biophysical Journal
K. H. Jæger, S. Wall and A. Tveito
Detecting undetectables: Can conductances of action potential models be changed without appreciable change in the transmembrane potential?
Proceedings, refereed
H. Arevalo, K. H. Jæger and S. Wall
Investigating the Pro- and Anti-Arrhythmic Properties of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes in Post-Infarction Patient Hearts: A Modeling Study
6th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering
Å. Telle, B. Charrez, K. E. Healy, A. Tveito and S. Wall
A numerical model of mechanical properties of cardiac tissue in heart-on-a-chip devices
Talks, contributed
Å. Telle, B. Charrez, K. E. Healy, A. Tveito and S. Wall
A Numerical Model of Heart -on -a-Chip Systems – A Tool for Cardiotoxicity Screening
Melbourne, Australia
Å. Telle, B. Charrez, K. E. Healy, A. Tveito and S. Wall
Finite element modeling of cardiac tissue in heart-on-a-chip systems
Washington DC, USA
V. Timmermann, J. Sundnes, S. Wall, A. D. McCulloch and A. G. Edwards
A one-dimensional computational study of mechano-electric feedback and arrhythmogenic current generation
Gordon Research Conference "Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms", Barga, Italy
Journal Articles
G. Balaban, H. Finsberg, S. W. Funke, T. F. Håland, E. Hopp, J. Sundnes, S. Wall and M. E. Rognes
In vivo estimation of elastic heterogeneity in an infarcted human heart
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology
H. Finsberg, C. Xi, J. Le Tan, L. Zhong, M. Genet, J. Sundnes, L. C. Lee and S. Wall
Efficient estimation of personalized biventricular mechanical function employing gradient‐based optimization
International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering
H. Finsberg, G. Balaban, S. Ross, T. F. Håland, H. H. Odland and S. Wall
Estimating cardiac contraction through high resolution data assimilation of a personalized mechanical model
Journal of computational science
Proceedings, refereed
M. Albatat, R. King, L. Unger, H. Arevalo, S. Wall, J. Sundnes, J. Bergsland and I. Balasingham
Electromechanical Model to Predict Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC)
Talks, contributed
V. Timmermann, J. Sundnes, S. Wall, A. D. McCulloch and A. G. Edwards
A computational study of the contribution of mechano-electric feedback to arrhythmogenic current generation
Berlin, Germany
Conference proceedings
M. Albatat, R. King, L. Unger, H. Arevalo, S. Wall, J. Sundnes, J. Bergsland and I. Balasingham
Electromechanical model to predict cardiac resynchronization therapy
40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Journal Articles
V. Timmermann, L. A. Dejgaard, K. H. Haugaa, A. G. Edwards, A. D. McCulloch, J. Sundnes and S. Wall
An integrative appraisal of mechano-electric feedback mechanisms in the heart
Progress in biophysics and molecular biology
G. Balaban, H. Finsberg, H. H. Odland, M. E. Rognes, S. Ross, J. Sundnes and S. Wall
High‐resolution data assimilation of cardiac mechanics applied to a dyssynchronous ventricle
International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering
Journal Articles
K. McLeod, S. Wall, I. S. Leren, J. Sabemiak and K. H. Haugaa
Ventricular structure in ARVC: going beyond volumes as a measure of risk
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
C. Xi, C. Latnie, X. Zhao, J. Le Tan, S. Wall, M. Genet, L. Zhong and L. C. Lee
Patient-Specific Computational Analysis of Ventricular Mechanics in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering
Conference proceedings
K. S. Mcleod, S. Wall, I. S. Leren, J. Saberniak and K. Haugaa
Ventricular Shape Correlates to Arrhythmic Events in ARVC Patientsmc
American Heart Association
Journal Articles
B. L. de Oliveira, E. R. Pfeiffer, J. Sundnes, S. Wall and A. D. McCulloch
Increased cell membrane capacitance is the dominant mechanism of stretch-dependent conduction slowing in the rabbit heart: a computational study
Cellular and molecular bioengineering
Proceedings, refereed
S. Kallhovd, S. U. Gjerald, S. Wall, J. Saberniak, K. Haugaa and M. Maleckar
Localization and not extent of fibrofatty infiltratio is the primary factor determining conduction disturbance in a computational model of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy
2015 E-Health and Bioengineering Conference (EHB)