Xing Cai
ProfessorAdjunct Chief Research Scientist
- Department
- High Performance Computing
- Organisation
- Simula Research Laboratory

Journal Articles
K. H. Jæger, J. D. Trotter, X. Cai, H. Arevalo and A. Tveito
Evaluating computational efforts and physiological resolution of mathematical models of cardiac tissue
Scientific Reports
E. H. Sæternes, A. Thune, A. B. Rustad, T. Skeie and X. Cai
Automated parameter tuning with accuracy control for efficient reservoir simulations
Journal of Computational Science
Talks, contributed
X. Cai and J. D. Trotter
Enabling Cell-Based Simulations of Cardiac Electrophysiology with High-Performance Computing
SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP24), Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Journal Articles
A. M. Bruaset, X. Cai, F. Desprez and M. Parsons
Editorial: Heterogeneous computing in physics-based models
Frontiers in Physics
L. Burchard, K. G. Hustad, J. Langguth and X. Cai
Enabling unstructured-mesh computation on massively tiled AI processors: An example of accelerating in silico cardiac simulation
Frontiers in Physics
J. D. Trotter, J. Langguth and X. Cai
Targeting performance and user-friendliness: GPU-accelerated finite element computation with automated code generation in FEniCS
Parallel Computing
A. Thune, S. Reinemo, T. Skeie and X. Cai
Detailed Modeling of Heterogeneous and Contention-Constrained Point-to-Point MPI Communication
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
Å. Telle, J. D. Trotter, X. Cai, H. Finsberg, M. Kuchta, J. Sundnes and S. Wall
A cell-based framework for modeling cardiac mechanics
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology
Talks, keynote
X. Cai
Towards high-performance unstructured-mesh computations
45th ASE Seminar: International Workshop on Integration of Simulation/Data/Learning and Beyond
Talks, invited
X. Cai
Quality control and innovation in computing and networking using the eX3 testbed
SLICES Roadshow seminar
Journal Articles
K. G. Hustad and X. Cai
Resource-efficient use of modern processor architectures for numerically solving cardiac ionic cell models
Frontiers in Physiology
J. D. Trotter, X. Cai and S. W. Funke
On memory traffic and optimisations for low-order finite element assembly algorithms on multi-core CPUs
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
Talks, contributed
Å. Telle, J. D. Trotter, X. Cai, M. Kuchta, H. Finsberg, J. Sundnes and S. Wall
Modeling cardiac mechanics using a cell-based framework
15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-XV), Yokohama, Japan
Journal Articles
A. Thune, X. Cai and A. B. Rustad
On the impact of heterogeneity-aware mesh partitioning and non-contributing computation removal on parallel reservoir simulations
Journal of Mathematics in Industry
K. H. Jæger, K. G. Hustad, X. Cai and A. Tveito
Efficient numerical solution of the EMI model representing the extracellular space (E), cell membrane (M) and intracellular space (I) of a collection of cardiac cells
Frontiers in Physics
Proceedings, refereed
L. Burchard, X. Cai and J. Langguth
iPUG for multiple Graphcore IPUs: Optimizing performance and scalability of parallel breadth-first search
28th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, & Analytics (HiPC)
Book Chapters
K. H. Jæger, K. G. Hustad, X. Cai and A. Tveito
Operator Splitting and Finite Difference Schemes for Solving the EMI Model
Modeling Excitable Tissue: The EMI Framework
J. D. Trotter, J. Langguth and X. Cai
Automated Code Generation for GPU-Based Finite Element Computations in FEniCS
Journal Articles
J. D. Trotter, J. Langguth and X. Cai
Cache simulation for irregular memory traffic on multi-core CPUs: Case study on performance models for sparse matrix–vector multiplication
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
J. Langguth, N. Gaur, H. Arevalo, C. Jarvis, N. Altanaite, Q. Lan and X. Cai
Towards detailed Organ-Scale Simulations in Cardiac Electrophysiology
K. G. Hustad, X. Cai, J. Langguth and H. Arevalo
Efficient simulations of patient-specific electrical heart activity on the DGX-2
Talks, invited
X. Cai
On parallel simulation of porous media flow
Schlumberger Eureka Applied Math Special Interest Group Meeting
Journal Articles
J. Lagravière, J. Langguth, M. Prugger, L. Einkemmer, P. H. Ha and X. Cai
Performance optimization and modeling of fine-grained irregular communication in UPC
Scientific Programming
Proceedings, refereed
J. Langguth, H. Arevalo and X. Cai
Towards Detailed Real-Time Simulations of Cardiac Arrhythmia
Computing in Cardiology
C. Jarvis, G. T. Lines, J. Langguth, K. Nakajima and X. Cai
Combining algorithmic rethinking and AVX-512 intrinsics for efficient simulation of subcellular calcium signaling
International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2019)
J. Langguth, H. Arevalo, K. G. Hustad and X. Cai
Towards Detailed Real-Time Simulations of Cardiac Arrhythmia
Talks, invited
X. Cai
Use of modern processor architectures for computing the electrical activity in the heart
Schlumberger Eureka Applied Math Special Interest Group Meeting
X. Cai
Unstructured computational meshes and data locality
Fifth Workshop on Programming Abstractions for Data Locality (PADAL'19), Inria Bordeaux, France
X. Cai
Heterogeneous computing for cardiac electrophysiology
PREAPP workshop on Efficient Frameworks for Compute- and Data-intensive Computing (EFFECT), University of Tromsø, Norway
Talks, contributed
A. Thune and X. Cai
Balancing the numerical and parallel performance for reservoir simulations
SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE19), Spokane, Washington, USA
J. D. Trotter, X. Cai, S. W. Funke and J. Langguth
Compiling finite element variational forms for GPU-based assembly
FEniCS‘19, Washington DC, USA
Proceedings, refereed
J. Langguth, M. Sourouri and X. Cai
Memory Bandwidth Contention: Communication vs Computation Tradeoffs in Supercomputers with Multicore Architectures
International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS)
J. Langguth, H. Arevalo, C. Jarvis and X. Cai
Towards Detailed Organ-Scale Simulations in Cardiac Electrophysiology
J. D. Trotter
Quantifying data traffic of sparse matrix-vector multiplication in a multi-level memory hierarchy
Talks, invited
X. Cai
Heterogeneous Computing: Programming, Performance and Applications
CoSaS 2018 Symposium, Erlangen, Germany
Talks, contributed
A. Thune and X. Cai
Unstructured mesh partitioning in the presence of strong coefficient heterogeneity
PDESoft 2018 Conference, Bergen, Norway
X. Cai
Education in HPC and Data Science at Simula Research Lab and UiO
SUPERDATA Workshop on curriculum development, Yunan, China
Proceedings, refereed
G. Y. Paulsen, S. Clark, B. Nordmoen, S. Nenakhov, A. Andersson, X. Cai and H. P. Dahle
Automated Translation of MATLAB Code to C++ with Performance and Traceability
The Eleventh International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences (ADVCOMP 2017)
J. Langguth, C. Jarvis and X. Cai
Porting Tissue-Scale Cardiac Simulations to the Knights Landing Platform
International Conference on High Performance Computing
Talks, keynote
X. Cai and J. Langguth
Accelerated high-performance computing for computational cardiac electrophysiology
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Talks, contributed
J. Langguth, X. Cai and J. Chai
Heterogeneous Manycore Simulations in Cardiac Electrophysiology
Tenth International Workshop on Programmability and Architectures for Heterogeneous Multicores (MULTIPROG-2017), Stockholm, Sweden
Journal Articles
J. Langguth, Q. Lan, N. Gaur and X. Cai
Accelerating Detailed Tissue-Scale 3D Cardiac Simulations Using Heterogeneous CPU-Xeon Phi Computing
International Journal of Parallel Programming
M. Sourouri, S. Baden and X. Cai
Panda: A Compiler Framework for Concurrent CPU+GPU Execution of 3D Stencil Computations on GPU-accelerated Supercomputers
International Journal of Parallel Programming
W. Zhang and X. Cai
Solving 3D Time-Fractional Diffusion Equations by High-Performance Parallel Computing
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis
Proceedings, refereed
J. Langguth, Q. Lan, N. Gaur, X. Cai and M. Wen
Enabling Tissue-Scale Cardiac Simulations Using Heterogeneous Computing on Tianhe-2
IEEE 22nd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS)
G. Y. Paulsen, J. Feinberg, X. Cai and B. Nordmoen
Matlab2cpp: A Matlab-to-C++ code translator
IEEE 2016 11th System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE)
J. Lagravière, J. Langguth, M. Sourouri and X. Cai
On the Performance and Energy Efficiency of the PGAS Programming Model on Multicore Architectures
High Performance Computing & Simulation (2016) - International Workshop on Optimization of Energy Efficient HPC & Distributed Systems
Proceedings, refereed
Q. Lan, N. Gaur, J. Langguth and X. Cai
Towards Detailed Tissue-Scale 3D Simulations of Electrical Activity and Calcium Handling in the Human Cardiac Ventricle
The 15th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2015)
Book Chapters
X. Cai
Parallel Computing
Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics
Technical reports
K. Mardal, B. F. Nielsen, X. Cai and A. Tveito
An Order Optimal Solver for the Discretized Bidomain Equations