Dusica Marijan
Senior Research Scientist
- Department
- Validation Intelligence for Autonomous Software Systems
- Organisation
- Simula Research Laboratory
- Research Interests
- Artificial Intelligence Machine learning Autonomous systems Blockchain Software engineering / V&V
- dusica@simula.no
Proceedings, refereed
D. Altan, D. Marijan and T. Kholodna
Deep learning-based vessel traffic prediction using historical density and wave features
17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART)
Journal Articles
S. Bose
Traversable Ledger for Responsible Data Sharing and Access Control in Health Research
MDPI Information
D. Altan, D. Marijan and T. Kholodna
Global deep learning-based maritime anomaly detection with transformed features derived from passage plans
A. Sharif and D. Marijan
ReMAV: Reward Modeling of Autonomous Vehicles for Finding Likely Failure Events
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems
B. Zaman, D. Marijan and T. Kholodna
Online Ornstein–Uhlenbeck based anomaly detection and behavior classification using AIS data in maritime
Ocean Engineering
Journal Articles
S. Bose and D. Marijan
A Survey on Privacy of Health Data Lifecycle: A Taxonomy, Review, and Future Directions
ACM Computing Surveys
B. Zaman, D. Altan, D. Marijan and T. Kholodna
Reactive buffering window trajectory segmentation: RBW-TS
Journal of Big Data
A. Sharif and D. Marijan
ReMAV: Reward Modeling of Autonomous Vehicles for Finding Likely Failure Events
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE)
D. Altan, D. Marijan and T. Kholodna
SafeWay: Improving the safety of autonomous waypoint detection in maritime using transformer and interpolation
Maritime Transport Research
P. Bernabé, A. Gotlieb, B. Legeard, D. Marijan, F. O. Sem-Jacobsen and H. Spieker
Detecting Intentional AIS Shutdown in Open Sea Maritime Surveillance Using Self-Supervised Deep Learning
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
D. Marijan
Comparative study of machine learning test case prioritization for continuous integration testing
Software Quality Journal
B. Zaman, D. Marijan and T. Kholodna
Interpolation-Based Inference of Vessel Trajectory Waypoints from Sparse AIS Data in Maritime
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
Proceedings, refereed
S. Bose and D. Marijan
Secure Traversable Event logging for Responsible Identification of Vertically Partitioned Health Data
IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom)
P. M. Ness, D. Marijan and S. Bose
Measuring the Effect of Causal Disentanglement on the Adversarial Robustness of Neural Network Models
CIKM '23: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
Journal Articles
M. S. Arbabi, C. Lal, N. R. Veeraragavan, D. Marijan, J. F. Nygård and R. Vitenberg
A Survey on Blockchain for Healthcare: Challenges, Benefits, and Future Directions
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials
D. Marijan and C. Lal
Blockchain verification and validation: Techniques, challenges, and research directions
Computer Science Review
D. Marijan and S. Sen
Industry-Academia Research Collaboration and Knowledge Co-creation: Patterns and Anti-patterns
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
Proceedings, refereed
D. Altan, M. Etemad, D. Marijan and T. Kholodna
Discovering gateway ports in maritime using temporal graph neural network port classification
35th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
A. Sharif and D. Marijan
Adversarial Deep Reinforcement Learning for Improving the Robustness of Multi-agent Autonomous Driving Policies
29th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC)
A. Sharif
Evaluating the Robustness of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Policies in a Multi-agent Urban Driving Environment
22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security (QRS)
Journal Articles
D. Marijan, C. Bansal and T. Lopez
Industry-Academia Research Collaborations During and After COVID-19
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
D. Marijan, T. Zimmermann, M. Ham and B. Selic
Bridging Software Engineering Research and Industrial Practice
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
D. Marijan and A. Gotlieb
Industry-Academia research collaboration in software engineering: The Certus model
Information and Software Technology
Proceedings, refereed
A. Sharif, D. Marijan and M. Liaaen
DeepOrder: Deep Learning for Test Case Prioritization in Continuous Integration Testing
2021 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME)
M. K. Ahuja, M. B. Belaid, P. Bernabé, A. Gotlieb, D. Marijan, A. Sharif and H. Spieker
Improving the Reliability of Autonomous Software Systems through Metamorphic Testing
Proceedings of the 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL)
Book Chapters
A. Gotlieb, D. Marijan and H. Spieker
Testing Industrial Robotic Systems: A New Battlefield!
Software Engineering for Robotics
Journal Articles
A. Gotlieb, D. Marijan and H. Spieker
ITE: A Lightweight Implementation of Stratified Reasoning for Constructive Logical Operators
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools
Proceedings, refereed
M. K. Ahuja, M. B. Belaid, P. Bernabé, M. Collet, A. Gotlieb, C. Lal, D. Marijan, S. Sen, A. Sharif and H. Spieker
Opening the Software Engineering Toolbox for the Assessment of Trustworthy AI
1st International Workshop on New Foundations for Human-Centered AI @ ECAI 2020
D. Marijan and A. Gotlieb
Software Testing for Machine Learning
The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
D. Marijan, A. Gotlieb and A. Sapkota
Neural Network Classification for Improving Continuous Regression Testing
The IEEE Second International Conference On Artificial Intelligence Testing (AITest 2020)
D. Marijan and A. Gotlieb
Lessons Learned on Research Co-Creation: Making Industry-Academia Collaboration Work
The 46th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA)
M. Collet, A. Gotlieb, N. Lazaar, M. Carlsson, D. Marijan and M. Mossige
RobTest: A CP Approach to Generate Maximal Test Trajectories for Industrial Robots
International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming
Edited books
D. Marijan, T. Zimmermann, M. Ham and B. Selic
Seventh International Workshop on Software Engineering Research and Industrial Practice
International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
Technical reports
C. Lal and D. Marijan
Blockchain for Healthcare: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Directions
Talks, invited
D. Marijan
Requirements collection for the AI4EU platform development
Big Data Value Forum, 3-5 November, Berlin, Germany
Journal Articles
D. Marijan and S. Sen
Good Practices in Aligning Software Engineering Research and Industry Practice
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
D. Marijan, W. Shang and R. Shukla
Implications of Resurgence in Artificial Intelligence for Research Collaborations in Software Engineering
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
D. Marijan, A. Gotlieb and M. Liaaen
A learning algorithm for optimizing continuous integration development and testing practice
Software: Practice and Experience
Proceedings, refereed
D. Marijan, A. Gotlieb and M. K. Ahuja
Challenges of Testing Machine Learning Based Systems
Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Artificial Intelligence Testing Conference (AI Test 2019)
Edited books
M. C. A. Jedlitschka, D. Marijan, M. Galster, W. Shang, A. Jedlitschka and R. Shukla
Proceedings of the Joint 7th International Workshop on Conducting Empirical Studies in Industry and 6th International Workshop on Software Engineering Research and Industrial Practice
International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
Technical reports
M. K. Ahuja, H. Spieker, A. Gotlieb, D. Marijan and M. Mossige
Survey on Testing of Deep Learning Systems
A. Gotlieb, P. Bernabé, D. Marijan and H. Spieker
SARCoS: Machine Learning Models for the Selection of Security Test Scenarios
Talks, contributed
P. Bernabé, H. Spieker, A. Gotlieb, D. Marijan and B. Legeard
Statistics AIS Dataset from Statsat
Simula Research Laboratory
A. Gotlieb and D. Marijan
The TSAR Project
14th Certus User Partner Workshop, Sep. 2019, Larvik, Norway
Proceedings, refereed
A. Gotlieb, D. Marijan and H. Spieker
Stratified Constructive Disjunction and Negation in Constraint Programming
Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI-18). Volos, Greece. Nov. 2018
D. Marijan and M. Liaaen
Practical Selective Regression Testing with Effective Redundancy in Interleaved Tests
Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice (ICSE-SEIP'18)
D. Marijan, S. Sen and M. Liaaen
DevOps Improvements for Reduced Cycle Times with Integrated Test Optimizations for Continuous Integration
2018 IEEE 42nd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)
D. Marijan and S. Sen
DevOps Enhancement with Continuous Test Optimization
The 30th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE)
Journal Articles
B. Zaman, D. Marijan and T. Kholodna
Ship Fuel Consumption Estimation and Optimization Methods in Maritime: Review, Challenges, and Future Directions
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
Technical reports
D. Marijan and A. Gotlieb
Research report on test configuration generation